I'm a Teen not a Fluffy.

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Re: I'm a Teen not a Fluffy.
Post # 31
I'm *cough* 41 and for one i don't claim to know more than anyone. I do know people who say they know *think they know what they are talking about* i listen to there view point. Think thing is if they think they are right, there is no use arguing with them. I've learned that they just think they know it all and if they tell you the water is purple and that's what they believe, but you know its not. You can argue until your purple and they will still say their right. These people you just have to * let them win* cause people will believe who they want and what makes since to them. If i talk to someone young and they tell me something new,i thank them, if its something i can find on the Web,I'll check it out to see if its logical. I look up stuff my husband tells me to. The moral of the story is, some people think their right all the time even if 20 other people know that one person is wrong, that one person just looks silly to the 20.*hope i made since*
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