RE: thoughts

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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 31
So, in order to not be complaining, I should go around saying that I m some sort of magickal creature that can shoot psi balls and that I am all powerful? That I can physically turn into certain beings, kill people with spells, make a particular person fall for me, and pretend to be all knowing?

Really people, I am just trying to share knowledge but it seems that the only thing accepted here is bullsh@t.
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 32
In oder not to be complaining.. will be to show your complain in a different tone.. that is.. to use different diction and punctuation.. O_O now, if you start doing what you are saying.. you not only will not stop being label a whiner but a super whiner with abilities.. ^_^ as for me.. I love whining.. after all.. it is just me.. O_o or maybe it is not whining at all.. and just plain criticizing.. *_* hard to tell..
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 33
Well, it really is hard to tell some one's tone of voice through the internet
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 34
I disagree.

I can usually tell someones tone and attitude by the words they choose to use when typing.
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 35
As Healer said.. and as "I" implied.. your diction tells your tone... -_- of course, this is how as a reader will pick up the tone... *_* it is not tone of voice I am talking about.. but a certain tone... like as me.. you can actually tell who I am without even looking at my nick.. and you can kind of figure out who is the one typing this stuff.. since I used the same diction and form of grammar for the most part.. and best of all.. I tried to spell everything right... ^_^... and DO NOT FORGET I always use my :P smilies... -_- YEs.. I do.. now.. my tone... can change once in a while... depends most of the time....
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 36
the most facinating thing about reading a persons writing is this:

Ye of any sensitivity generate an idea of the person and even manufacture a voice for them in thy mind because of the tones and supposed nuances of the words. Also you can read posts or books and recognise a specific tone without looking at names, Specificly because of the psychic signature attached to everything we express with.

the "psychic fingerprint" is a facinating concept, one i've come to agree with fully. It allows us to percieve tones and even fragments of the emotion inherent in wordds, dispite distance.

interesting how much of ourselves we take for granted, no?
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 37
one theory.. one reason.. need more?
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 38
as you wish, more is always welcome Vari :)

you have wisdom behind light words
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Re: RE: thoughts
By: / Beginner
Post # 39
strange how this turned in to a forum about any case i think that it is...oh well...
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 40
Conversations are fluent.. one topics leads to another.
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