
Forums ► Other Paths ► Religion?

Re: Religion?
Post # 5
I wouldn't advise following any specific religion because they all have their ups and downs. You shouldn't believe in something just because someone you trust is saying it. You should only believe in what feels right to you. I would advise you look into every religion that interests you and pick out what you feel to be true because in the end, almost every religion is saying the same thing, just in different ways; to help different types of people. If you do this, you can find the most every religion has to offer you and transcend the limitations you would be bound with by picking just one.
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Re: Religion?
Post # 6
I have to agree with Melton...
You should look into Buddhism. There is a lot out there to learn from it.
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Re: Religion?
By: / Novice
Post # 7
What I would like to see it containing:

1: Worry about your own spiritual development and not everyone else's.
2: Everyone has their own path. There is no right or wrong. Only right and wrong for a particular person.
3: Every path has an element of the truth, and ALL are worthy of respect.
4: No one path contains the whole truth, as the truth of God, the Universe and Everything (All bow and praise Douglas Adams!) can never be fully comprehended by our level of existence. We can, however, have glimpses of what it may be like.
5: Everyone is working on their growth and spiritual development with the tools and resources they have at the time. Don't jodge others or let your ego get the better of you.
6: You are a part of existence. You are not the sole creator of existence. Everything is conscious on one level or another and has influence over creation. Creation itself is conscious and has more control. It is important to learn how you fit in and how to work with the rest of creation.

I think if you can put that in, you'll be headed in a good direction.


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Re: Religion?
Post # 8
The more simplistic the better. The less doctrine/guidelines to follow I believe will lead to a more open-minded religion.

For example. Instead of a list of rules or dogma to live by, instead just make sure your followers know: They are children of the earth, and consequently should treat both her and her children with respect. Going beyond that, we should always help others when we can, to lend a hand in order to mend the wounds humanity has inflicted upon itself.

You don't really need a religion to have good morales. I think that belief is what has chained many to religious teachings. They feel without it, they can't be good people. If I was ever the leader of a religion, I would want my teachings to be similar to Buddha's. He believed everyone had the potential to be as wise as he was, and that was truly open and loving. Kill the ego, feed the soul!
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Re: Religion?
Post # 9
I'd like to say something. I think Religion is just something humans made up or is not completely correct. No religion is correct 100%. And we have no clue what the 'truth' is.
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Re: Religion?
By: / Novice
Post # 10
Avylolies, You enjoy watching human slaughter> And you talk like you are not human. Come on man.
And as far as new religion, don't you think we have enough? I see it as another way to spread hate, accept for a few. Just my thoughts. BB
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Re: Religion?
Post # 11
Definetly focus on self indepindence
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Re: Religion?
Post # 12
The fact that you're making it up as you go scares me
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Re: Religion?
By: / Novice
Post # 13
Focus on your spiritual development and learn something new everyday. We are all ever changig so not many people stick with one religion thier whole life. If u focus on yourself and who u really are and what yiu believe in than you will find little need of religion. However if you find like so many others you must put a name to it, than I would look at pre exsisting religions that supply what you need.
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Re: Religion?
Post # 14
I know that this is a really late reply, but I would like to point out that a religion called Omnism exists, and focuses on the belief that all Gods exist or are equally valid; that all religions are true or share an element of common truth; that religions are equal and that nobody should be put down for following the way they justify the nature of the Universe. There is no real set belief system for Omnism, which is great if you have a belief but other religions that are too strict and rule-oriented exclude that belief. The main tenet of Omnism would be, however, that all religions have at least a common truth and that as such the religious beliefs of people are equal; that nobody should be put down as a result.
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