i think to much...

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Re: i think to much...
Post # 5
perdur, do you really see that in this site? yes i know a few. but do you really think that i mean everyone? on some i said i do mean everyone, but on some i don't mean everyone... for those who are doing there best then you have no worry but to those who may hurt you on your way...
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Re: i think to much...
By: / Novice
Post # 6
I don't see it enough on this site. I see it in myself and in few others. I do see a lot of knowledgeable people constantly bickering, or shoving aspects, or skewed beliefs, and acting like children that want to be taken serious like the grown-ups, instead of waiting for the appropriate time and place to speak their minds.
Again, this is a generalized statement so if you think I'm talking about you then I probably am, so don't ask, it's beside the point.
Stop and think about what your fingers are saying before you click that add comment button. Is it really helping? Are you aiming for selfish recognition? Is it the best way it could be conveyed? Is this the right forum?
Act wisely and you will be perceived as wise, act foolishly and you are naught but a fool.
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Re: i think to much...
Post # 7
i care less on what title i get.
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Re: i think to much...
Post # 8
do what i do, help those who truly need it or already have put in the effort themselves and avoid the rest, nothing comes easy or for free. The title you get from me is friend, and also the title of wise, but don't let yourself get worked up by ignorance or lack of understanding in others, rather help those who have alreayd gotten past that point. just my two cents worth.
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Re: i think to much...
Post # 9
kao you have been there for me... and i really can't give you anything back until something happens. but this is what i think.
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Re: i think to much...
Post # 10
You know i ask nothing from none except for them to be free in all ways ;)
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Re: i think to much...
By: / Novice
Post # 11
I just think that such rants could be redirected in a positive way.
Your statement started off with the placement of the word "I" before it switched to "we". This shows selfish intent. Care not who's not paying attention, care instead who is. Ther are many who need help in understanding the basics of what our practice means. This is shown in the many who only care about spellworks.
I believe that if we work on showing people what training really means this site will grow, because the number of teachers will grow.
Don't delude yourself in to thinking no one cares. Some of us do. Kao shows this very well.
I know I went off an a bit of a rant myself, but I only wish to show you that there are more people on this site than just the adolescent or pre-pubescent, space-wasters.
There are always going to be those who want instant results without any of the work. Those who let even the smallest obstacles hold them back, because they are not willing to understand. Are you willing to understand? Are you willing to practice? To work? Are you willing to let yourself grow for the benefit of others instead of trying to immediately change what is to what should be?
I know your answer is yes because I know you've better intentions than the people you were talking about.
Meditate on others growing through your own growth and on the real purpose of what we do.
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Re: i think to much...
Post # 12
i know what your going for this. i only made this to help everyone understand on whatever they would understand about it, your trying to stop this... calling it lies and selfish rude words. yes if i use I it does not mean i am selfish. i did not care if it was rude or nice or whatever. you think for yourself and i think for myself. like how i think that we should end magick forever. yes it well make a lot of people made and ask why and they well have there own reason to why not end it. if you are smart and saw this a rude post, then you should understand that i was not talking about you.

i thought that the word selfish is a little bit off. i am not selfish... i help and help and help but there ask for anything back. i don't think about myself i think for the others in the world. some people know that i am not selfish... your misusing your words on me my friend.
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Re: i think to much...
Post # 13
you miss used your own words Chaos. Every thing you have asked not of you did, everything that is said in general you took as personal. For true caring to be returned you must first show it and not take in personal feelings to statements that all that time ago back a month or two leading to this would have been different. The Chaos before was not who you are now. Before you were insightful, general and open, now you answer with attacks and about you.

Though you are not the only one who shares your thoughts from the first post, either often or mostly. Your words their do not tell me your hurt from how you have felt you are thought of and spoken of on this site, but you as a general. They tell me that you have many issues that you wish to discuss but have no one or choose no one to talk to. However I feel that you are in such a depth that helping you would just be a smack back in the face. Only you can take yourself out of this and I bid you good luck as I would like to see you doing well again.

Do not give up
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Re: i think to much...
Post # 14
You have to rise up,Chaos.
You did more good deeds than anyone and you`ve shown a lot of support to the site and a lot of people.Its a waste of effort then if you were to give up.
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