i've been thinking

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Re: i
Post # 41
i've been going throiugh my memorys, most are fuzzy, but i saw that in a past life i was a very strong mage, and before that i was a highly skilled swordsman, trying to see before that
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Re: i
Post # 42
I seen a few of my past ives and at one time I was a spell caster of both dark and light just wanted to say something
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Re: i
Post # 43
you know of merlin? on of my past lives riviled him
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Re: i
Post # 44
^_^ cool...mage
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Re: i
Post # 45
bad ppart is it destroyed me in the end
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Re: i
Post # 46
wow, hope it wont happen again
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Re: i
Post # 47
I like to believe that i leaned my lesson then and it wont happen again
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Re: i
Post # 48
hope you did, but be prepared incase it happens again, just saying.
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Re: i
Post # 49
yeah I completely understand wha your getting at
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