Become vegetarians!!!

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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 41
omgsh, i am crying in real life, I try not to eat meat anyway but after seeing that video, never again! Soo cruel! Things like this really touches me. :'(
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 42
Ixayou are you blind?
Read my comments on this post and you will find answer to yours question.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 43
nah, too many comments it would take hours to read them all XD
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 44
I'm a vegetarian. They treat animals too inhumanely, and it's just sick. All the stuff that they inject into the animals goes into our bodies, killing us quicker
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 45
You people are so weird. Ok fine maybe i ate a few pieces of steak today. (Maybe two whole steaks). Mt desionis final. Im not becoming a vegetarian.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 46
I think this is the oddest post I have seen yet,(and thats saying alot for this site!)what started out about the mistreating and disrespect of animals has turned into a lecture on the Shamanistic way of life and an attack on Allie for her views.First let me Say before you start talking about Shamanistic ways,you should put down your books ,and heres a thought TALK TO A SHAMAN!Next while All Native American People believe that animals have spirits,Mine Included.Do not confuse a Spirit Wit A Soul.A soul is the life force that seperates us from animals.It gives us the ability to reach acroos cultures and comunicate with others.You will not find a wolf that can speak to a crow.A soul give us the ability to examine a situation and decide what option has the best possible outcome,animals act on instinct and do not reason.(I dont want to hear about monkeys and dolphins,they are still mamals)and there are many other differences in a Soul and a Spirit.My point is please have your views if you dont want to eat meat ,then by all means dont,but dont act like you are some superiour race because you dont.My Fathers Family has been Native Americans ,ALWAYS,and I have never heard of anyone as you put"Tracking an animal,killing it with your bare hands and eating its still beating heart"I agree with the moral of this post,do not torture or disrespect animals.The rest is just crap.These are just my oppinions and you have every right to disagree...Peace
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 47
Also psionicguy97,You started this post,BECOME VEGITARIANS,I hope this is not the kind of conviction you have for all your beliefs.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 48
I wish I could become vegetarian but cant I live in austin too much Bar-B-Q but If I feed on sun energy I would be feel so much better. No fear of PROSESED meat. That is why so meany people become vegetarians so thay do not eat PROSESED meat. This is post rases no magical entrest to this sight It is a compleat and uster wast of time for people to read for no puropse to this sight but that now that we brought shamens and drueds this makes it slightly magical. every thang has a sole if cat did not have a sole did not have a sole thay would not walk or breth.I am sorry if I miss speled every wourd in this post but this is the truth not a false statement ok I am sorry

~The Demon Gate
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 49
Allie, there is no truth. Only Faith.

To say your way of thinking is the truth is a bit full of yourself.

Let's be honest....until we die, we have NO clue what's going to happen. We simply have faith.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 50
Norvak rights. There's difference between a spirit and soul. Animals have a spirit. Most of nature have a spirit.
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