What Country Are YOU From

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Re: What Country Are YOU From
Post # 421
wow this has gotten long, im frm england but i live in switzerlamd
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Re: What Country Are YOU
Post # 422
Hey, I'm Bella and I'm from Sweden:)
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Re: What Country Are YOU From
Post # 423
Hi. I'm fome Taxas (U.S.A)
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Re: What Country Are YOU From
Post # 424
I am from the USA in North Carolina
My Uncle is in South Africa
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Re: What Country Are YOU From
Post # 425
im from theUS of A(united states of america)and i live in a small town in ohio called lebanon and lov the Bengals.
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Re: What Country Are YOU From
By: / Beginner
Post # 426
whats up every one im from porto rico. but live in PA
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Re: What Country Are YOU From
Post # 427
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Re: What Country Are YOU From
Post # 428
Norway :)
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Re: What Country Are YOU From
Post # 429
live in New York, from Ireland, plan on going back soon ;)
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Re: What Country Are YOU From
Post # 430
Hey im from the uk and as it goes there really isnt enough people like us in it that i know of , but still :) uk is where im from :)
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