guys in white clothings!!

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Re: guys in white clothings!!
Post # 51
omg you guys have seen all this, so have i!
but i aint wearing one coloured robe i am wearing three different coloured robes they are purple , white, and green! i dont no if this has anything to do with this but by reading wot i have read i think it does, can anyone tell me wot my situation means?
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Re: guys in white clothings!!
Post # 52
here you`ll find them what they meant

Yellow: divination and psychic workings
Purple: the Divine Spirit, spiritual awareness
Blue: Healers who work in their psychic awareness, attuning in with the Goddess in Her Water (Ocean) Aspect
Green: herbalism and Earth powers
Brown: animal magick and shamanism
White:symbolizes purification and pure spirituality, also for meditation and cleansing rituals. Worn on Full Moon celebrations and to attune with the Goddess
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Re: guys in white clothings!!
Post # 53
my sister keeps seeing people in white and black following us around even in school she said it is very creepy so do we try to talk to them
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Re: guys in white clothings!!
Post # 54
don`t talk to the black robes,did the black robes had red colours on them too.
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Re: guys in white clothings!!
Post # 55
thanks mef for your help but i still dont understand why i am wearing three different coloured robes? just to break it down the purple one i am a women with a sort of necklace on my head with a crystal in it, then with the green one i am sort of changing the the four elements and the white one my hands are red hot and i am helping someone! can anyone help explain it?
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Re: guys in white clothings!!
Post # 56
well,i think you are into the army of magick.
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Re: guys in white clothings!!
Post # 57
well i dont know about the darkness and red robes thang i dont know about whos side i was thats really all i want to know if you have an educated
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Re: guys in white clothings!!
Post # 58
this is all so strange wat does it mean??????????:(
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Re: guys in white clothings!!
Post # 59
these are visions of past futer and you could say present i quess alot has been happening latly
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Re: guys in white clothings!!
Post # 60
talk about robes in colours,i think i know those guyz in black robes with red,perhaps they`re illuminati.
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