
CovenDivine Spirits ► Poetry
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Re: Poetry
Post # 51
I miss him, his laugh
his smile, i miss the way
we would talk for hours on end

I miss the way that we thought the same thing,
i miss the way he made me feel when he said
I love you

I miss the way my heart used to feel,
when he used to fill it
I miss the way we were almost the same person.

i miss everything about him
and everything i was with him
im empty without him.

Re: Poetry
Post # 52
The rising sun,
Floating higher in the sky,
Shining rays of light upon the land far and wide,
Its light revealing the way,
Revealing a way to see,
To see the true meaning.

Re: Poetry
Post # 53
Personal poem to someone who left for a better life in paradise. You deserve peace, im still here like you always wanted. I have out-lived you and I have you to thank for my heart still beating. To my grandma Magdaline, miss you.

Strength was you
With words of wisdom
Your tender words would mend the pain

You held me close when I needed comfort
When the world was cruel
You kept me safe

Support was you
With arms like towers
You were there when I would fall

You fought my battles when all was too much
With the softest touch
You wiped my tears

Knowledge was you
When my heart was broken
Your dark eyes would wash my soul

You smiled with sympothy
When I was on the edge
Your faith in me made me strong

Love was you
With the sweetest song
You gave me hope when all was gone

Holding me close
When I was alone
Kissing my head to make me believe

I am who I am because of you
You made me strong
When I was weak

Time and patience
Was all that you asked
Time has come
Now you are gone

I will hold my head high
And share what you gave me
Strength, Support, Knowledge, Love and Time

Re: Poetry
Post # 54

around me things seem so light
break the surface and you will see
that im not who u think i could be
lying and desiving became my life
the fear of being here
is killing me from the inside
my cries dissepear in vain
with every lie
with every shatterd heart
my soul gets burned burned
piece by piece
did i derserve this
to be in this pain
to see my hands bleed?

Re: Poetry
Post # 55
When I hear your name I cry,
When I hear of you I think of what has happened,
When I hear someone talk about you I think of the history,
When I hear of times we had I relive the sorrow of losing you.

I sing a song of sorrow when I think of you,
I sing a song of pain when I remember the good times,
I sing a song of grieving when I remember when I lost you,
I sing a song of anguish when I remember the final moment.

Re: Poetry
Post # 56
I cannot wait for wait I need,
I seek it on the horizon,
And with the final steps I take,
I find where I belong.

Re: Poetry
Post # 57
Your Dark Secret

One mistake I'll never make again
I was your best kept secret
Giving you the power, to keep me in the dark
Feeling of solitude
Silence and emptiness

You have no idea
No more tears to cry
No words can explain how I feel
My love has lost its meaning
The existance of a broken soul

If only you can see in these veins
They run cold
With no love to warm my heart
The emptiness with no words
No words of I love you
No one to need my touch

I am your secret, in the dark
Waiting for the silence to break

Re: Poetry
Post # 58
Tears holding the truth
The deaths, the lies the war
Nighttime terror
Religious ties
Money cursing the people who hold it
It just needs to STOP

Re: Poetry
Post # 59
Pain rising from the dark,
Taking those weak of heart,
Turning them into things unknown,
Making them seem accident prone.

Re: Poetry
Post # 60
A Special World

A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.

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