Become vegetarians!!!

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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 51
If anyone here follows darwinism; humans, much like gorillas have both grinding teeth for vegetation and canine teeth, for MEAT. My Rare side of med. rare will never stop. All of the creatures great and small have a place on this earth right next to my baked potato and steamed veggies.

I don't wish to offend anyone, but, I live in a rural area where deer hunting and fishing is prevalent, and necessary to survive. The job market is down, and people don't always get what they need to survive unless they know how to live off of the land. A gut-shot, or lung-shot deer takes alot longer to die than most of the "farm-killed" cows, sheep, and chickens you speak of. If you need the food on the table for you and your posterity, you do it--you aim with your bow or rifle as accurately as possible for a humane shot.

The only thing I fully disagree with is doping the critters up to get "fat and sassy" so they're marketable as soon as possible. At the same time, the gov't has laid the smack-down on farmers and they don't have much of a choice either. They need the output of meat, veggies, etc., in order to keep up with supply and demand. They need to survive and keep their farms running for the next generation.

So, unfortunately, they are forced to purchase pecticides, fungicies, and hormones to plump the cattle and chickens......big chemical corps. don't give a shit if they're injecting or spraying Class 1, 2, or 3 CARCINOGENS into the food that we eat. We buy it, we eat it, that's all they care is that they're pockets get lined. So help them when Karma comes back.

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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 52
I respect your right for not eating meat..........hope you never owned a leather jacket, gloves, baseball mit, baseball, softball, leather purse, wallet, or certain perfumes that still have whale blubber to maintain that lovely fragrance. For that matter, what about the oil that's raped from the land to drive your vehicle and produce the plastic that everyone knows and loves so well?

If you really want to go green, then do it right.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 53
Gizelda_Frog,I am a bit surprised and very happy to hear your knowledge of hunting and other things.Its very true that a gut shot ,or a lung shot deer takes much longer to die than alot of the animals in the videos shown,and a poor shot also increases the chance that the animal will not be found.Thats why every one that hunts owes it to the prey to take the time to be as good with their weapon of choice as they can,and only take shots that they are able to make.I do not condone trophy hunting,but as for hunting for meat,hides,and tools it is the way of life.The Native Americans have a story of when the first man met Deer,and the deer to him,that he was to kill him and use his meat for food ,his hide for clothing and shelter,and his bones for tools,and by showing respect when doing this the spirit of the deer wood be apiesed.(Its actually longer than that vut that is the just of it)Peace
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 54
Well I am proud to say after I run out of meat at home I am a vegetarian so YAY
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 55
"Sorry to tell you but animals have no souls, that's why they were made for man to eat, but I'm sure you have a bunch lies backing yourself up on why animals do have souls so I'll just shut up and let you believe what you want." -Alliecat
"Then trees and ants have souls 2, thats not logical, animals do not have sins like people do, animals and people are not the same, we have souls they do not, I'm sorry but that's just the way things are, but you can chose to believe what you want." -Alliecat
"We have souls, that why we have a God/or Gods to some." -Alliecat
Ahh jeez, do we have to go one about how Christianity blinds people? Alliecat, I thought you were more open minded than other Christians, but it just seems as if you're just like them with the exception of witchcraft isn't evil.
"Sin is a illusion of yours mind alie." -Nex
Alliecat, who says the sins were from God? Man did.
Who created the Bible? God? No way! Man did.
How many years do you think it would take to write out the bible (they say they copied it word for word, 1 mistake and the scribe has to restart copying the whole book)?
Who said the Bible was real? Man did.
Who has seen Jesus? The Bible has accounts of it. Have you seen "him"?
If God created everything, then he created Satan, therefore, he created Hell. Because he knew what would happen, it's God fault.
Same deal with Adam and Eve's Original Sin. God knew (apparently he knows everything..) that Eve would "sin", yet he let it happen. So was the test pointless (putting an apple tree in the Garden of Eden, with "freewill") if God knew what would happen? YES
Who decides what a Sin is? God does.
Who said God does? The Bible said so.
Who created the Bible? Man did.
Who said the Bible is genuine? Man did.
The Bible is what blinds you.
EVERYTHING that is LIVING has a soul, wether you like it or not, to disrespect other animals, you are simply arrogant, I'm not saying they're not tasty, but heck, I wouldn't say "You don't have a soul, I'm more superior than you" to a bull. I would if I was a cheapass with a modern weapon, but would you say that in a bull's language? Say "You don't have a soul, I'm more superior than you" to a mad bull?
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 56
I support shamantic feeding but you must think outside box ;).
You heard of slavic,findland or any other shamanisam?
Not all shamanisam is native american one.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 57
True that, Shamanism is something which is spread worldwide through every single culture, just their names differ, medicine men, shaman, curaendero, sangoma etc. Let's all think logically for a moment, humans are designed to eat meat, without enough protein the body becomes weak, yes you can substitute it, but in general the term a balanced diet comes from a balanced intake of all the element you need to ensure the bodies growth and health. Slaughtering animals is a part of nature, animals hunt and kill other animals to feed on them, why must we try and go against our own nature? Another thing to think about, and this is just my two cents worth which i know isn't based on any logic or reason, but if the Gods didn't want us to eat animals why did they make them out of meat ;)hehe
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
By: / Novice
Post # 58
AND so darn tasty?!?!
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 59
I'm veggie, but thats my choice.

If people want to eat meat, then thats their choice.

So wot is all the fuss about.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 60
Eat for your health and survival!!!
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