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Re: help
Post # 7
Kao comes and goes no dount hell post on this forum sooner or later

a word of advice though...

Kao Hates people who abuse the craft..and people who claim to be angels vampires werewolves and so on

besides that kaos like a father to me =]
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Re: help
Post # 8
he doesnt have to worry about i been a ceremonial magician for years and i dont play around i want to meet him
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Re: help
Post # 9
THen you must Message him or wait for him

lmfao i feel like kao is an almighty god and you can only speak with him through invintation XD

ill elt him know you need to talk to him
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Re: help
Post # 10
eh ok will i will see how much knowledge he knows after im through with him lets see if he can teach me what i dont know and want to know
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Re: help
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
LOL@ seeing how much knowledge Kao has! Pleazeeeeee!!
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Re: help
Post # 12
In every post in which info is needed most people say Kao..

How about learning for yourself?experimenting,daring,will,learning..and such..

Magick path is individual path as all paths are,only you can walk it and only you can start it..only you know how to walk it(You is referred to all not just you).

If anyone knows how to think i am sure my post has been helpful atleast a bit.
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Re: help
Post # 13
Thanks Nex, you know i appreciate your understanding on the benefit of making your own mistakes and learning through experience, it's the best way to learn, just grab that part of you you know to be true no matter what, and then just go ahead, fall about and make f* ups till you get it right, be open to experiment, take risks, break taboo, spit in the face of rules put before you by man, that is how you find your OWN path, and then make it work for you.
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Re: help
Post # 14
im aware of all of this im not here as beginner im here to find more knowledge and my experience of being the reincarnation of king solomon im able to do anything
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Re: help
Post # 15
Abracadabra patas de cabra.. Done! (of course.. this is done in the most sarcastic way possible)
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Re: help
Post # 16
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