Of course one can access any of the spells in the coven BOS without being a member of the coven. And one can also read all of the posts to the coven board. So the benefits of joining the coven seem questionable.
thats not intirely true, there are spells/rituals that can only be accessed by coven members. SC of course is not one of them if im not mistaken, but the other covens can set it so that you have to be a member of that coven to see it(unless things have changed since I've last looked around)
So what you're saying is, that in Spell Casters all spell/rituals can be viewed but in other coven they set it otherwise.
lol I find this statement a bit mute to what Lark said, of which I agree with.
The main reason I've seen members join that coven is for the title of council and the ability add spells. Members will literally ask how to add spells and when answered they will immediately break for Spell Casters.
the way its set up, is that council members can add spells, this provides a chance for covens to regulate what gets posted and all.
In SC everyone is made council, thus anyone can post
the trick to remember here though, is although they can post, it is possible for them to post it coven only or public, this is true for any coven(in which other covens coucil members decide what goes public).
for example: Vampiric Elegance, defense spells, "Cleansing a home" is set to members only
a quick look through other coven spell books will find the same, just like their coven forums are set the same way too, its all a matter of control to keep the covens coven like(aka private/members only).
Ah Glim, perhaps I was not specific enough. Since the thread was about Spell Casters only that is the coven BOS that I was talking about. I'm aware that other covens have set up their BOS differently. My point was why would one want to join Spell Casters when all of their material is available without joining.
Lark and Snow make a good point. If everything is available to those outside of SC then there is no reason other than a title to join. The coven doesn't really sort out who's fluffy and not, who's newbie and not, and their is no structure because of this. No offense, but SC is basically a bunch of members with privileges and no Priest nor Priestess to kick people out for fluffiness or misbehavior. You kind of run based on your own rules. And the only thing on your coven profile is that everyone can join and is auto-coven and that you have no leaders. If you expect there to be some form of structure you aren't really thinking about it logically. Lol.
The best one could hope for as far as SP is concerned is too indeed find two people that have half a clue of what that are doing to be made P/P. Then take it off auto-pilot, don't be afraid of putting some real time into making the place appealing to decent practitioners. The spellbook is isn't a joke, its sad. You have members that join because there are no expectations, new to Magick and to be taught. Within 5 days they have either became "masters" of the craft and are adding spells drawn out of thin air with no knowledge of what they are writing nor why. Or they have become masters at copy and paste.
Anyone who is able to put that Coven back in good working order has no room to cry or whine about fluffies on this site. You have helped create the environment in which they thrive. Bottom line is don't be afraid to help new people to the path learn. Demand that those there contribute and help those who aren't as adept as themselves to learn & grow. As the Coven grows, it will attract more experienced members. All practitioners go through a set of phases. Learning,reflection,teaching, then reflection again. This cycle will repeat itself throughout every practitioner's life.
So how bout a clean-up? Or should we just put the Coven itself through the "role-player's test"?