do vampire spells work?

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Re: do vampire spells work?
Post # 7
I have visions. Premonitions are real. Do not fear your gift. You have a special gift. Being to envision a different sight is a rare one indeed. Do not doubt yourself from these truths for these thing are what you're made of, alright.

Re: do vampire spells work?
Post # 8
ok :0 my premonitions started as :
i get the deja-vu effect
and after wards
things happen and inside my head its like (didnt that already happen)
then i can actually see people,
doing something and it happens after a while. and also, i have the tendecy to guess what a person thinks, im never wrong. i dont know where i got this all from
i personally dont pray and believe in god
can you tell me a bit more about your powers?

Re: do vampire spells work?
Post # 9
You have convinced yourself that you are turning into vampire. That's it. Now you might have gifts, but they did not come from any spell. Check back into reality, and read up on the gifts you've discovered. You are mixing things up. Get to the truth of it. Stay away from the vampire stuff, as it has nothing to do with it. learn the truth. You are human, and cannot be changed. Be well...

Re: do vampire spells work?
Post # 10
You and others like you (those seeking this same type of thing) will never be anything other than human.

"Magic isn't a means of forcing nature to do your will. Magic is natural. It is a harmonious movement of energies to create needed change. If you wish to practice magic, all thoughts if it being paranormal or supernatural must be forgotten. " - Scott Cunningham - Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner.

Think about that quote for a moment, then begin to realize that no matter how hard we wish for something or want something we can't go against the natural laws to do it. We might trick ourselves into believing that we have done something that breaks these laws, but that doesn't make them fact. Magic is part of nature, as are we. We, and magic, are governed by nature not the other way around.

Re: do vampire spells work?
Post # 11
Vampire spells do not work. You will forever remain a human.

Re: do vampire spells work?
Post # 12
okay thanks for the explanations :)

Re: do vampire spells work?
Post # 13
That is very normal for me since I encountered a lot of those who have gifts such as ours already. It is really extremely special for us to have these.

Re: do vampire spells work?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 14
The profile of imavamp says nothing. Absolutely nothing. I think that tells its own story!

Re: do vampire spells work?
Post # 15
oh i see
uhm to be honest i signed up yesterday as soon as it happened to me to get this answers but ill soon fill my profile.
as soon as i signed up, i went straight to forums to ask that question

Re: do vampire spells work?
By: / Novice
Post # 16
sorry if my answer seemed upsetting, but it's the truth, magic cannot change you into anything else. this is all in your head, calm down, things will go back to normal. on a side note, don't swear, it's against the rules and it could get you gagged or banned from the site.

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