holy bible

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Re: holy bible
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 61
Obviously you didn't read the article. It explains why the chicken egg came before the chicken.
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Re: holy bible
Post # 62
Actually kts, I've read it.. but then why does it still have a Vote thingy of which one came first?
"He said: "Eggs were around long before the first chicken arrived. Of course, they may not have been chicken eggs as we see them today, but they were eggs."
["He told PA people were mistaken if they argued that the mutant egg belonged to the "non-chicken" bird parents.

"I would argue it is a chicken egg if it has a chicken in it," he said.

"If a kangaroo laid an egg from which an ostrich hatched, that would surely be an ostrich egg, not a kangaroo egg."] - That I don't get his logic, how a KANGAROO would lay a winged + mutant kangaroo BIRD called an OSTRICH..
They're two frigging different animals, doesn't the article writer know their genetics? And don't say I don't know mine, I've spent 4 days in a Scientific Research Org for Work Experience.
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Re: holy bible
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 63
Having studies genetics years ago while I was in college. I can understand how confusing it can be. People dropped like fruit flies from the class due to the difficult nature of the beast. Here is a simple version of what science has to say about genetics; The genetics of a being do not change during the course of that beings lifetime. All the genetic info is "set in stone" when a new being is created. This means that the first chicken had to be inside an egg, because this is where the genetic makeup was created. Please read the following link. I found another one that may be a bit easier to read and understand.


As always science has theories that include evidence, not proof. That is why you can debate the theory but to do so in an educated, nonreligious manner you must include evidence to your theory. Not just your opinion.
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Re: holy bible
Post # 64
I am a strict Catholic. I totally believe it. I think that we also need to realize that nowhere in the Bible does it prohibit witchcraft. King Solomon was a sorceror for goodness sake! I totally believe it, and I believe that it can coexist with witchcraft and sorcery.
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