War Training

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Re: War Training
Post # 61
I know one kind of training.I did it twice.Take a knife and a backpack with somethink to make fire and somethink to slepp on.And also bring a friend of you.Go to the nearest forest and spend there 2 days.Thats to learn how to survive in the wildness cuz when the war starts it will be somethink like that.....alot harder.and dont forget,No food with you.Youll need to make your own there
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Re: War Training
Post # 62
Im looking for some heeling spells someone that can help me?
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Re: War Training
Post # 63
Okay, WOC, two things.

1. You are not part of the coven, "Spell Casters", but you posted in our forum.

2. You have caught my attention after declaring a crusade on lies and attention-seeking on the forums. I will ask you questions. Message me.
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