Become vegetarians!!!

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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 61
my parents wont let me eat just vegetables
i got grounded 4 a year almost cuz i refused to eat meat
i am new 2 this stuff but i decided 2 not eat meats then start to learn wicca
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 62

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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 63
lol Tank!
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 64
Its true that Shamans are known all over the world by different names,and I am sure I will be corrected if I am wrong ,but I dont know of a single ancient culture that has survived to present ,that does not eat meat,fish or animal protien of some kind.My only point in this whole thread is that everything has to have ballance.Love/hate Good/evil meat/veggies,and if its true that the vegetables in my garden have souls then I must be their GOD,I planted them,I watered them,I gave them fertilizer,Isheltered,and protected them,and I harvest them and eat them(with Meat) but again thats only my 2 cents.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 65
lol tank.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 66
LOL tank
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 67
Great link tank,lol
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 68
I was a vegetarian for about a year for health reasons. Bad kidney, couldn't eat a lot of protein. . .blah, blah, blah.

However, after watching the video, I am mortified. I do not have anything against killing animals for food, but I DO have something against their treatment up to the point of being killed and the way in which they are killed.

I guess it will be all hunting for me. And no more eggs, either. Not to mention the filthy conditions. Any wonder why E-Coli is so common???

Hmmmm. .. .
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 69
"my parents wont let me eat just vegetables
i got grounded 4 a year almost cuz i refused to eat meat
i am new 2 this stuff but i decided 2 not eat meats then start to learn wicca "

that's wrong lovemesexy. why would they ground you because you didn't want to eat meat.

i chose to be a vegetarian for health reasons also. i am not pushing my beliefs on anyone else. you can do whatever you please with your lives. i just find it wrong to harm animals. they have feelings just like we do.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 70
"my parents wont let me eat just vegetables
i got grounded 4 a year almost cuz i refused to eat meat
i am new 2 this stuff but i decided 2 not eat meats then start to learn wicca "

that's wrong lovemesexy. why would they ground you because you didn't want to eat meat. "

Their house, their rules. I only say that because once I became a Mother, I finally got it. lol

There was a family in the news a few years ago who had their children taken away from them because of their choice of lifestyle. They were vegan and their children were seriously and disgustingly underweight due to it.

Parents being strict on the no veggitarian thing can be due to your age, or perhaps you just didn't express your thoughts in a mature enough manner for them to think you had any idea what you were talking about.
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