immortality of soul

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Re: immortality of soul
Post # 8
no KTS, i never thought a vegetarian like you would condone cannabilism, but i'm glad you understand the concept of if there is a hunger feed it ;)
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Re: immortality of soul
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9
To condone any type of food for survival would go against nature. I am a pagan and a true pagan never condones nature. We work with it without trying to change it. That is why a pagan worships it, because we see it as beautiful even when it is horrific.
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Re: immortality of soul
Post # 10
what i ment is that when im dead my soul passes to another body(new born baby) but all of the memories of the past life are with me
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Re: immortality of soul
Post # 11
the problem about me that i cant meditate a lot because i have school from 8:00 to 16:00 and i have social life to so if there is some book you can recommend please do it
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Re: immortality of soul
Post # 12
vamparism is not evil contary to most belifs=) there are those who use there powers for a great evil but not all vamps exist the same way. some simpily exist. not all are dracula
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Re: immortality of soul
Post # 13
K.S please...
the only way a person can ever have what they want in life is to WORK for it... many of us are either at school or working... and yet we still find the time...
there is no quick fix... just put in the time and effort... if you had the choice... great social life or spiritual growth which would you choose...
because so far... it seems your friends and having fun are more important... dont get me wrong... everyone needs fun and friends... but if they take up so much of your time that you can not grow as a spiritual being... maybe you should spend a little less time there and a little more time on the things that are really important to you...
if in your choice you rather choose your friends and having fun over spiritual growth... then maybe accept that you are not ready for it yet... then do what you need to do... go out have fun do whatever... and later in life once you have lived a little and become more mature of mind you can find the time for it...

no great lesson in life is just given to you... you have to work for it!
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Re: immortality of soul
Post # 14
perhaps you right balance
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Re: immortality of soul
Post # 15
and by the way i didnt ment a quick method
what i ment was a metod that takes time from my free time(like a book i read ) and not from the time i m at school ,doing homework etc
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Re: immortality of soul
Post # 16
so please if u know a book about the subject give its name
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Re: immortality of soul
Post # 17
immortality cannot be taught with books... it can only be shown in person... there are some people who have learned a way to age much slower... they can live to be immortal if they wish, but, they usually get bored or lonely... death is merely a mode of transition to exploring the eternal soul... maybe you should rather take up soul growth, strength and expansion... i promise... its much more benaficial
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