Moon Phases: Discussion

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Re: Moon Phases: Discussion
Post # 8
Firstly---burn the books by $RW.

Secondly--a woman's menstruation is called "Moon Time". There is a great book out there by Cornwoman called "Blessings of the Blood" (Amazon link:

Thirdly--each moon phase means something different to each path. Some paths do NOT celebrate by the moon phase, but by the Solar path only. For me, I celebrate Hekate every dark moon (She is my Matron). I work spells to increase something on the new moon, and spells to decrease something on the full moon (or waning moon). My man believes that his Goddess, Diana, is earth bound during the Dark Moon, and is back to Olympus on the new moon.

Fourthly--Two dark moons in a month is often called the Sidhe Moon. It is believed that the veils between our world and the Otherworld are thin at this time, and we can make contact with the Fay much easier.
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Re: Moon Phases: Discussi
Post # 9
I do not have her books.. -_- and as I stated through out the thread.. "some" that implies not all.. and everything is up to discussion. ^_^ I really appreciate your info.. it is well taken.. thanks.. and for the term "time moon"
in either case.. many sites were given to expand the discussion.. but it seems few are interested.. @_@.
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Re: Moon Phases: Discussion
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 10
During the Northmen pagan times they had no blue or black moons. This is because their calender ran differently. They had 13 months in a year. I believe this to be the more natural way of telling time because it follows natural rhythms of the earth. Each month was just as long as a moon cycle and there are 13 moon cycles in a year. Therefor the blue and black moons hold no more natural magic value.

The blood moon is beautiful however many do not understand why we are seeing a record number of them in resent years. The color comes from pollution in the atmosphere. There is so much of it now that a red moon is becoming a normal thing rather than a rarity.
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Re: Moon Phases: Discussion
Post # 11
"Northmen pagan times"

Could you explain when this was, and who the Northmen are?
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Re: Moon Phases: Discussion
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 12
The Northmen pagan times refers to the time of the Norsemen or Norse people. The meaning of Norsemen is "people of the north". They inhabited areas which today are part of the Faroe Islands, England, Scotland, Wales, Iceland, Finland, Ireland, Russia, Italy, Canada, Greenland, France, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, and Germany. They where pagan people and because they lived simple lives they based their calendar on the lunar and solar cycles. Like many of the ancient Egyptians, druids, Mayans and native Americans and other primitive people this is how they kept track of time.
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Re: Moon Phases: Discussi
Post # 13
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Re: Moon Phases: Discussion
Post # 14
Ah, you speak of the Norse!

Actually, Norse is an adjective relating things to ancient Scandinavia, that is Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Iceland during the early Middle-Ages (the period of the Vikings).

I only know this as I have many friends who are Heathen and Asatru, as well as people involved in Norse and Germanic reconstructive history and religion.

Heathenry is a little more lenient, as it encompasses the Teutonic people, Norse, Germanic and Northern European traditions.

While the Norse INVADED Ireland, Scotland, England, etc. they did not originate nor settle there.

A good book to read (it is fiction) is "A Thrall's Tale", if you are interested in the every day life of the Norse.
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Re: Moon Phases: Discussion
Post # 15
As others have pointed out this is some "gerneral" info that may or may not be useful depending on your tradition

new moon rose at appr . 7:25 EST in the sign Capricorn

considered a good time to plan,organize & to build the foundation for long term goals
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Re: Moon Phases: Discussion
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 16
Thank You LadeyFalcon
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Re: Moon Phases: Discussi
Post # 17
Most farmers where i come from use the moon phases to harvest.. ^_^
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