LOL alvis.. How old are you? Like ragnorok said how the hell do you think you will control a demon if you don't even know how to summon one? I'm sure you think it's pretty cool what you are saying but it's not..
Alviss I think you are living in a world of fantasy. You think you could control a demon to do your binding or you just want proof for there existence. I know one thing for sure you haven't read much about demons just at least 1% and another thing is no one will give a spell to summon a demon for your riduclous fun.
"Oh and for the immensely egotistical, define "evil." It is nothing but a point of view and a set of beliefs on what is right and wrong. Nothing is evil, to believe that because something doesn't fit in with what you call "good" does not in the slightest mean it is evil. So to call a higher entity "evil" is quite probably one of the most ignorant things anyone has ever said." -Demen
Highlighting a couple sentences; "It is nothing but a point of view and a set of beliefs on what is right and wrong. Nothing is evil, to believe that because something doesn't fit in with what you call "good" does not in the slightest mean it is evil."
"Nothing is evil" would be your "point of view" probably based on your "set of beliefs on what is right and wrong". Right? I base whether something is good or evil by morals. For example; if someone intentionally kills thousands of people for no reason other then for fun, that is evil. Or, on the other hand, if someone saves thousands of people from the would-be killer without hoping for anything other then to do what they see as 'right', that is good. The demons that would kill for fun I would call evil, if there is any demon that would save someone and not ask for anything in return (which I doubt would happen), then that demon would be good. Therefore calling a demon evil would not be ignorant, it would be stating an opinion based on my beliefs and morals.
You said "It(evil) is nothing but a point of view and a set of beliefs on what is right and wrong." So to say my calling something evil, which would be stating a point of view, is ignorant would be, at least in my opinion, ignorant. My point of view may not be your point of view, but that does not mean it isn't my point of view.
Do you know how dangerous summoning and working with demons can be? Once it is invoked, it will be very hard to evoke him. Only who are very experienced in magick can practice demonology/ Satanism.
Second ,you cannot become a demon. You are and will be a human until your death. For more informations, there is a link on my profiled named 'Why you cannot transform'. Check that. Hope this helps!