Re: The thing about Covens... By: AwakeTooLong / Knowledgeable
Post # 8 Nov 04, 2010
The funny part, Untold, is that you are saying that a coven is like a family. If nothing here is akin to a family then why are people coming together to protect what we enjoy and care about? In this case, against the dire menace of petulant whining...
If you don't enjoy it, move on. That simple. Nobody told you that the site was going to help you find a coven close to you, or people of like mind close to you. Nowhere on the site does it say such a thing. At least not that I saw. It has a large number of people yes, but that in itself promises you nothing. The people here are from across the world and generally vary in a wide array of opinions and beliefs. And so, yes, they clash. And if that is all you see in the site, well... I wish you luck in your search, because you're going to be stumbling with short sight.
Beneath all of the usual drama that occurs when some many people and they don't have to actually speak face to face, there is an interesting kinship I have observed. The people here genuinely wish each other well, and genuinely try to aid one another. Each clash that occurs is like when family members get together and discuss politics.
And yes, it is perfectly within your freedoms to comment needlessly, and negatively, upon something you choose to disdain and not be part of. But it is also perfectly within our freedoms to express how clumsy, crass, and disgraceful the effort to express your "ideas" was. What covens were you in that you formed this idea? With whom did you interact? With whom did you seek to discuss magick? Further, what varieties of magic have you not experienced here?
I have seen christian mystics, kinesis concepts, traditional high magick, discussion of kababalah, wicca, druidry, shamanism, hoodoo, santeria, satanism, Dragon magic, Indian concepts of energy and prayer, etc. etc. There are niches for Vampires (psy and otherwise), otherkin (fae, dragon, werewolf, etc. in spirit and soul), and assorted other schools. Nevermind the herblore, alchemy (to a lesser degree), and other such "sciences."The list goes on. Truthfully, the only thing I can think of that I haven't seen explicitly is Root Work, and from what I've seen those practitioners tend to be a quiet and secretive bunch. Indeed, I've even seen what is very likely simple madness allowed as "what somebody else believes."
Did you bother to look for any of this? Or were you just hoping a local coven would adopt you because you "searched" for it?
Well a few of the covens I found that was near me didn't and I knew that. One did replied but he was looking for something called Rainbow something idk. I guess after a few years have passed by and I get more knowledge I'll try create my own lol.
Re: The thing about Covens... By: SueLearning Moderator / Adept
Post # 10 Nov 05, 2010
I think I can speak for everyone that replied to this thread. Our hearts will not break if you leave this site. I can't stand close minded people like yourself UnTold. Just because this is online does not mean we are not close and do not share because we do. I think most of us on here in covens or not feel like family. I know I think of everyone in my coven as a family member.
I totally agree with Stone you should have kept this opinion to yourself. All you did was to upset people and by saying your not attacking anyone? That's exactly what you did you attacked everyone on here that is in a coven.
I'd encourage everyone to not get upset by the comments made by the OP.
It's quite clear he does not have the experience from every single coven on this site to make such an accusation and clearly is slated by bad experiences.
You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. I just feel very sorry for you that you have yet to experience the family like atmosphere so many of us benefit from in our covens.
You know I just noticed something. Whenever you guys disagree with someone you all get mad and call me closed minded and everything. Yes it might seem like I am not reading and accepting but that is far from it, I am reading each post and learning at the same time. There are a few people that did "calmly" told me whats up from whats down and there are a few (or a lot idk) That just doesn't want to do that they just throw out the words "Closed mined" and "Get out of this site." Maybe there are some other words I haven't seen yet but idk. What I am trying to get at here is I wonder how most of you on the site can deal with people like that. The ones that gets angry because everyone thinks differently. Just because we don't agree on something doesn't make me closed minded and all, it just means that I look at it differently and not in a bad way (maybe to your case it is something bad) to were I am saying, "Lets shut down those things" or "People there are not doing anything Magickal." Yes I did said that everyone wasn't to in depth with each other by doing group things but oh well. Get other it, it isn't going to kill you.
Untold, the reason people are unwelcoming to you is because of the way you present yourself. You act as if you know everything and that you are the only one that is right. You act as thought you have the experience to place judgement on every aspect of this site, its groups, and its members. In my opinion, you are being very rude. The kind of misinformation that you have been giving out in numerous threads here on this site is what most of us here work to keep people from.
Ok here we go..again untold...First of all not all of the covens here are fake and anyone thinking that is not looking at the right covens..Now as for judging you..I am not judging no one but i will tell you that if you reread you messages you are...I don't know what makes you think that you are so perfect and so all knowing but In the bible it says "Judge ye not Lest ye be judged.." and from what You posted in this thread about the covens it pretty much tells us that you are judging us...My coven is not only a family we do take the time to get to know each other and as well as get to know what they desire to learn and their families as before you jump up there making such false accusations I think you need to be polite enough to go around and take a look at the covens or talk to the other coven members...You might find out that the things oyu are thinking about this site is "yet Once Again" WRONG!!!
I agree with Sue and Drakken. I am in the Spirit Seers coven, and although I have not met any of the other members face to face, I feel like we are all a family. Especially my HP/PP, they are concerned not only with me, but with everyone else. I don't think that is something that you can get "on their own or with a few books." I don't know about the other covens, but I have not been left to "do everything on my own because the coven isn't close by to help me through".
This is just my experience with covens since I have joined SOM.