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Re: Pleiadian
Post # 8
What does that have to do with Pleiadians? O.o

Re: Pleiadian
Post # 9
He claims to be a Pleiadian and was the author of the book just suggested.

Re: Pleiadian
Post # 10
I completely understand your skepticism Chrion, if I were there I wouldn't have believed it either. I probably won't convince you otherwise, but I swear that his healing techniques do work. I've never attended any of his seminars and haven't read anything besides the book I provided a link to above. I practiced the healing methods Pearl laid out and found the result to be even more effective than Reiki, which my Mom taught to me. I found Pearl's healing to be so effective that I use it exclusively. I'm sorry that the seminar was, quite likely, a sham. But I still implore you to read the book and learn an excellent, all purpose healing spell.

Re: Pleiadian
Post # 11
"I'm sorry that the seminar was, quite likely, a sham. But I still implore you to read the book and learn an excellent, all purpose healing spell."

If he and his teachers are so excellent, why would he need to perform sham seminars?

Re: Pleiadian
Post # 12
He used to be a successful chiropractor, but decided to focus specifically on healing instead of just giving it to his clients. It's his intention to teach the rest of the world his technique so that it can help them as much as he has helped people. His books, seminars, and so on are probably his only source of income. Does he have any alternative than to market what he's selling?

Re: Pleiadian
Post # 13
None of that explains why they need to be sham seminars. If he's really so awesome then why doesn't he fill his seminars with awesomeness instead of lies?

Re: Pleiadian
Post # 14
How do present something you can't see or hear as awesome? Most of those people are probably still learning how to sense the energies involved in his healing. It's just easier for him to lure gullible New Agers into reading his book and let themselves work out their own spiritual paths than explain something that even his books admit is very abstract in concept (that's why I can't teach somebody else, only the book explains it properly) that they might not understand. He's still benefiting them, it's just their responsibility to learn what he has to teach. For Pearl, this isn't a scam, it's a living he needs to make.

It's like the difference between religion and faith. If you've read Siddhartha the conversation he has with the Buddha about Buddhism is a perfect example of this. The fact that you saw through the window dressing to the reality behind it all shows that you can comprehend the true meaning behind Pearl's teachings right away, you don't need to fall for the lies to learn the truth. All of Pearl's teaching, hell all religious teachings, are a means to an end. You are someone who can see the end, which makes the means just another stepping stone on your path, but a no less important step than it would be otherwise.

Re: Pleiadian
Post # 15
Greetings Blessed One, I am a Pleiadian Contactee and teacher. It is so nice that you have now awoken. You are so needed to help awaken humanity to prepare them for Ascension and contact.

Re: Pleiadian
Post # 16
Pleiadians are a beloved Race that is here to help awaken humanity. They were the first race to contact the Government to get them to do away with Boms but the Government turned them away. Thjey come from the Star System Pleadas.

Re: Pleiadian
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 17
This whole awareness that you've achieved must have blurred the distinction of time and space for you.

This post is two years old, and the original poster is no longer on the site.

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