Youtube and haters

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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 8
I am so f***ing mad at him He is so mean but I am not wiccin so why do I care oh ya the 7th connmandment you shall not give fales testamony agenst your nabber (SP?) so he is so mean I feel like cursing him gerrrrrr
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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 9
once again, he makes fun of EVERY religion, even christian, muslim, EVERYONE, so dont get your undies in a twist
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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 10
who is he???? Send me a link
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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 11

there you go
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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 12
he is so curesed
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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 13
There are a lot of replies to this video. I think the guy is an idiot but there are a few cool replies to him. Search 100% of wiccans and you will pull up the replies to this video.
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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 14
Give me the link and I will know what to do.
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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 15
Wow I fell like crap just watching this I meen he sounds like a Bisexual too. Im going to cast an evil eye just like my other victims >:D
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Re: Youtube and haters
Post # 16
He's voicing his opinions, just like all of you are.
I haven't watched it, but who cares what one kid that has no affect on any of your lifes has to say?
They're just words. I would think the people here know better than anyone....words only have power if you GIVE them power.
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Re: Youtube and haters
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 17
This thread has been moved to Advertisements from Welcome.
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