
CovenDivine Spirits ► Poetry
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Re: Poetry
Post # 71
You are the one,
The one for me.
The one i love,
The one i see.

When your around,
You fill me with joy.
You as my girl,
My as your boy.

I want to protect,
I don't want you to cry.
I want you to laugh,
Your the apple of my eye.

Your the moon in my darkness,
The sun after the rain.
When ever you smile,
You leave me insane.

Re: Poetry
Post # 72
The Eyes

The icy chill,
The pitter-patter of weightless feet.
You turn around,
No one is there.

You can't shake the urge,
You want to flee.
You can feel the intensity of there eyes,
Judging, burrowing, watching.

You look over your shoulder,
You know they are there,
Absconding in the void of shadows.

Shadows start to grow,
It shuts out the light.
Burning like hot coals,
Red eyes draw close.

You try to move,
Your magnetized to your seat.
You open you mouth,
Only a silent scream creeps out.

The eyes are close,
Inches from your grasp.
The light whispering touch,
Glides across your face.

Your skin start to crawl,
You listen rather close.
The voice growns in your ear,
"Now its time to go."

Re: Poetry
Post # 73
I am on the path of self destruction.
With no control of emotions.
No connection with my soul.

Mental wounds begin to weep.
Skin crawls with every tear.
Blood boils with every thought.

Wasting my time on myself.
Hurting them who say they care.
Abruptly leaving when I get scared.

Looking for a stronger level.
Seeking for the powerful truth.
Attempting to re-connect.

Disposing of my black heart.
Wanting the light to return.
Wallowing in self-pity.

The story of my life!

Re: Poetry
Post # 74
Its Halloween night,
the moons way up high.
The creatures take the streets,
the witches take the skys.

Kids only want candy,
they go from door to door.
If only they knew the magick,
People couldnt by from the store.

The Ghost are free to roam,
enjoying feasts in their names.
In fact all magical creatures,
play their own little games.

The chill to the air,
the magick in the sky.
I enjoyed this night so much,
I wish it would never die.


Re: Poetry
Post # 75
Life, full of heartache.
Spawned out of bad decisions,
reactions, a single negative thought.

Chaos and confusion mist my sight.
Repeating over and over,
"why did I let him go again?".

Screams of agony,
from the pain and tears.
Love isn't meant to leave you!

Losing faith slowly,
the faith in humanity.
Faith inside myself,
I don't think I had any.

Misery in its purest form,
turns to company for mercy.
Mercy as your heart is torn,
ripped from your chest.

Blinding gaze of emptiness,
with no end to see.
Unhappiness becomes my expression,
as this reality turns to dust.

Re: Poetry
Post # 76
The blinding light,
It blocks my way to see,
It blinds me by its reality.

The shadows crawl into my mind,
Causing havoc all the time,
Making me go insane.

The light reaches towards the dark,
The dark reaches towards the light,
Working together to destroy.

Re: Poetry
Post # 77
The wiccan rede

Bide the wiccan law we must
In perfect love and perfect trust
Live and let live
Fairly taken and fairly give
Cast the circle thrice about
To keep the evil spirits out
Let the spell be spake in rhyme
Soft of eye and light of touch
Speak little, listen much
Deosil go by the waxing moon
Chanting out the Witches rune
Widdweshins go by the wanting moon
Chanting out a baneful rune
When the Ladys moon gis new
Kiss the hand to her, times two
When the moon rides at her peak
Then your hearts desire seel
Heed the North winds mighty gale
Lock the door and drop the sail
When the wind comes from the south
Love will kiss thee on the mouth
When the wind blows from from the west
Departed souls will have no rest
When the wind blows from the East
Expect the news and set feast
Nine woods in the cauldrom go
Burn them fast and burn them slow
Elder be the Ladys tree
Burn it not or cursed you will be
When the wheel turns to yule
Light the log and the Horned One rules
Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree
By the Lady, blessed be
Where the rippling waters go
Cast a stone and the truth you will know
When ye have true need
Harken not to others greed
With a fool no season spend
Lest ye be counted as his friend
Merry meet and merry part
Bright the cheeks and warm the heart
Mind the threefold law you should
Three times bad and three times good
When misfortune is enow
Wear the blue star on thy brow
True in Love ever be
Lest thy lovers false to thee
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An it harm none, do what ye will

Re: Poetry
Post # 78
Who Am I

I am a guy,
I am 16 years of age.
I'm going to keep writing,
Till I fill up this page.

My favorite author is Mr. Poe,
I can read for an entire day.
I like to play music,
The violin is what I play.

I love my family,
My friends like me.
I have a great life,
As far as I can see.

I like to read,
As I said before.
But I like to write poems,
A little bit more.

I observe people,
Like an animal of another kind.
The way they talk, act, and fight with each other,
The pattens would blow your mind.

I don't play sports,
I don't like to blame.
I just sit here and write more,
For this rhyming game.

You want to know more about me,
I'm sure you wont believe.
I can see past, present, and future now,
Reality is how i perceive.

This may not be right,
But what if its true.
I dont want this to effect,
How I picture to you.

Don't judge me,
On what you have read.
Judge me on our experiences,
Our class time instead.

Well you see,
I do what I say.
I filled up this page,
Have a nice day.

Re: Poetry
Post # 79
*pen strips and street lights*

the lights turn on
the music comes alive
feet start to tap
couples start to jive

ladies spin and twirl
gentlemen lead the way
every one had a good time
as the music continues to play

the music has a way
to make people move
even if they cant dance
they still start to grove

the night comes to a close
the dance is done
people are tired
but they all had fun

Re: Poetry
Post # 80
never knew there would be a better tomorrow
But you've come into my life and taken away all my sorrow

My days of sadness are a thing of the past
Because I have found true love at last

My days of emptiness are gone for good
Because you fill a void in my heart that you should

You've opened a window
You've shown me the light
And my love for you will continue to burn bright.

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