what creature are u ?

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Post # 71
You are a Dragon. You are responsible and intelligent, using your powerful charisma for good. You must go through a lot of lozenges- I can't imagine what breathing fire must do to the tonsils!
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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 72
You are a Mermaid. You love the ocean (duh) and are a very creative, unique person. There aren't many people like you- your imagination and ideals make you stand out from the crowd.
I think the majority of the quiz depends on the answer to the first question.
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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 73
Haha I'm a dragon
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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 74
You are a Unicorn. You are a sweet and gentle person, and are generally cheerful and optimistic. Way to go with the positive attitude! It's ok to be down sometimes, though. If you find yourself constantly happy, check to see what's really in that energy drink. Sure, you can stop whenever you want to. No, really! I believe you! ^^
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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 75
You are a Troll. You are ornery and anti-social, pretending to spend most of your time alone. Everything about the world annoys you, nothing makes you happy. Perhaps you just need some excitement in your life. How does white water rafting sound?...

...Not too bad, actually... Almost drowning in a shallow stream was unbelievably fun. Yes, really :)
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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 76
^^its great, i'm an angel
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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 77
i have kno idea
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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 78
You are a Dragon. You are responsible and intelligent, using your powerful charisma for good. You must go through a lot of lozenges- I can't imagine what breathing fire must do to the tonsils!
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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 79
You are a Ghost. You are a desperate, lonely person whose heart is heavy with grief. You hate every minute of your life, and probably cry bitter tears into your pillow every night. Maybe cake would help?
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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 80
You are a Fairy. You love and respect nature and its creatures, and enjoy spending time outdoors. You are friendly and curious, qualities that make you a good friend. Perhaps you have a pet beetle named Roger. Well? Do you? If you don't, you should certainly consider it.
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