Summoning things

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Re: Summoning things
Post # 9
nope not demons just a humongo group of cats tht like me tht just so happen to be all solid grey and black lol ...... i just have a knack for comunicating with them
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Re: Summoning things
Post # 10
Mine is a weird cat it just follows whereever I go. I swear even on vacation I think i SEE THAT CAT (that cat.. rhymes, punny)
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Re: Summoning things
Post # 11
When ever i'm rideing around in my truck with friends i see this black cat. and i found out that when i see it go from left to right something good happend and when it went the other way bad but what does it mean when it follows my truck and sits by the side of it in the grass far from me and my friends. can anyone tell me what it means or what it is because it never tried to hurt me just every time i tried to get close to it it ran and watched from somewhere else
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Re: Summoning things
Post # 12
I have a spell for making an animal your familiar:

Your wand

Clear your mind and look into the animal's eyes and focus only on the specific creature, visualize yourself in the appearance of that animal with the exact size. Chant in a low-pitched voice:

'I will not harm you, and you will not harm me,
I am from a higher realm ; recognize me and obey.'

Make sure you are in the ohysical presence of the animal, if you are out of its sight then the animal will no longer stay with you (but as your familiar it will follow you virtually everywhere you go).
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Re: Summoning things
Post # 13
ty every1 for your feedback keep it coming in BTW any spells for demons??? Im getting much MUCH more expierenced and feel up for the challenge!

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Re: Summoning things
Post # 14
my pet cat sits with me whenever i do magick indoors, i would never use a spell that would make him a slave or zombie, hes my friend. :)
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Re: Summoning things
Post # 15
familiars don't become ur slave zombies do they??? my bros cat is a lil weird tho. when ever i do an indoor spell, he (his name is lazlo ;P)gets all frieked out and bats his paw at me tryin to stop the spell from happening. he's not a demon cat tho... right?? GRRRR i'll find out soon enough!! but can anyone tell me wat that means lyk if he's tryin to tell me that it'll go horribly wrong???????.... i hope not... (•o•)
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Re: Summoning things
Post # 16
i just checked if he's a demon cat and.... no. nada. zilch. i'm safe!!
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Re: Summoning things
Post # 17
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Re: Summoning things
Post # 18
i jus tried that cat communication spell and talked to lazlo and he told me sumthin about my magik shoudn't be practiced in front of my lil bro becuz he'll think its evil, copy me, an try to become a prince of the night... or sumthin. lol i have an all-knowing kitty!! (his new name is snuffles the all-knowing kitty-cat!!)
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