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Re: Please share now...
Post # 81
i can`t believe this,what is wrong with you heather?
i did help much and now turn against me.
this is what people do every single time to me.....
always the same judgement!!!

I`m gonna stay in silence and wait what will happen to you...
good or bad,i did nothing...not even a spell.
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Re: Please share now...
Post # 82
It's not that he is untrustworthy, he just changes his position so much online that it is past rediculous.

Thank you for your forgiveness though Jayme. If Trav could move himself to do the same I would be honored
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Re: Please share now...
Post # 83
i seek no forgiveness from you..heather...
i seek nothing at all....
you just made me feel the beast in me..
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Re: Please share now...
Post # 84
no Heather u dont have to apologies to me. Were cool
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Re: Please share now...
Post # 85
Sorry then trav I just sent a PM to you about this
But yeah I do apologize to Jayme and you, Trav. I need to learn not to get upset over such small things I talked it over with a friend and realized this.
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Re: Please share now...
Post # 86
From my experience, there are hundreds of ways to do the same thing in the world of magick. From what I have read in your posts, you are a credible practitioner. I may seek an effect through different avenues, but in the end, the results are the same. Magick, to me, is 95% faith and 5% method. So... no matter what people may think or say to or about you, Your craft is always going to be in some ways different from theirs, and most people on this site are novices with nothing but what they have been told to guide them. Don't let their words strike you as relevant to who you are and the value of your Craft. Ultimately, they will either find their own path, or be taken under the wing of someone elses. But their craft will be just as personal as yours is. You are a Witch, in both what you are and who you are. Do try to remember that they have never shared an alter with you, or been tho one to work with your athame. You, and only you know what works for you and what doesn't. No one can rightly fault you for attempting to help a novice in any way you see fit.

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Re: Please share now...
Post # 87
Espiri I have been studying and practicing witchcraft for over four years. I am not experienced but I am far from a novice.
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Re: Please share now...
Post # 88
Oh.. and I really do not want to cause conflict. But as you might want to know, Mef is apparantly not to trustworthy. I guess my decision not to associate with him is enough to provoke an attack.

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Re: Please share now...
Post # 89
jaws of cat crush the mouse,disgusted by mouse,
be it become frost.
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Re: Please share now...
Post # 90
hmmm... wow. Four years. I'm impressed. Maybe you should teach me a few things... I've only been practicing for almost 14. Tell me heather? is this website your only coven? Have you ever danced to the moon? performed the blessings of the Sabats and Esbats? Been sworn into a REAL coven on truth and love? Because somehow... I see your love of your fellow practitioners to be weighed, measured, and still found lacking.
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