what creature are u ?

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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 81
You are a Dragon. You are responsible and intelligent, using your powerful charisma for good. You must go through a lot of lozenges- I can't imagine what breathing fire must do to the tonsils!
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Re: what creature are u ?
By: / Beginner
Post # 82
it said i was a mermaid...hmm cool ^.^
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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 83
it said that im a demon. im evil
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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 84
you are a vampire.you are evil and cruel,loving nothing more then causing others pain.
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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 85
You are a Vampire. You are evil and cruel, loving nothing more than causing others pain. Maybe you should invest in a dartboard or a voodoo doll- something inanimate on which to vent your anger. If you must put your twisted mind to use, get an ant farm.

sounds fun hey can i have some of your hair any one
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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 86
i love the earth so i took the test and turns out im a Fairy

You are a Fairy. You love and respect nature and its creatures, and enjoy spending time outdoors. You are friendly and curious, qualities that make you a good friend. Perhaps you have a pet beetle named Roger. Well? Do you? If you don't, you should certainly consider it.
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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 87
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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 88
My Results

You are a Dragon. You are responsible and intelligent, using your powerful charisma for good. You must go through a lot of lozenges- I can't imagine what breathing fire must do to the tonsils!

Great Quiz lol
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Re: what creature are u ?
Post # 89
You are a Dragon. You are responsible and intelligent, using your powerful charisma for good. You must go through a lot of lozenges- I can't imagine what breathing fire must do to the tonsils!
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Re: what creature are u ?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 90
You are a Unicorn. You are a sweet and gentle person, and are generally cheerful and optimistic. Way to go with the positive attitude! It's ok to be down sometimes, though. If you find yourself constantly happy, check to see what's really in that energy drink. Sure, you can stop whenever you want to. No, really! I believe you
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