Become vegetarians!!!

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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 81
Well then we need to figure out a way to decrease the population. Less people equals less methane gas. There are approximately 238 million cows world wide, while there are about 6.72 billion humans.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 82
I'm all for lowering the population.

I can think of a few people I'd like to start with lol
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 83
I am a level 4 vegan. I only eat things without a shadow.
- Great simpons quote KTS, Shows how people can take any idea to the extreme

Animals Feed on Animals, we too are animals. I find it funny how people think that they will make a big stand against "mistreatment" of animals by not eating meat.

Have you taken a look around lately, can you see how us, the 'greater' animal treats others of the same race? You see movies, documentrys about genocides, mass murderers etc. Animals dont do that, only us, now because of that, are you going to stop talking to other humans?

All of you who were greatly touched by this,and who will now no longer eat meat, in my respectful oppinion, are fools. You knew where your meat came from before, but lived in ignorance of the facts, pretending it doesnt happen, Now that it is in your face, how do you choose to deal with it? By remaining ignorant, in fact, by becoming more so, by actually beliving that by YOU not eating meat, those animals are going to stop being mistreated, or have better lifes, that they wont eventually die like any other animal will.

*chooses words carefully, as not to incite violence or attacks on meat processing plants*

If you really want to make a difference, or save these 'poor mistreated animals' dont just sit on a pedastal and compain about mistreatment, get off your butts and so something about it.

somewhat un-related, but also, in matters of survival, and sometimes for just plain fun (theres a restraunt in the states somewhere that takes donors) people eat people.

As for me?
Im going to go enjoy a nice blue rare steak
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 84
I can understand alot of people being vegetarians but my mindset has and always will be if animals eat other animals and being that I am human and humans are animals I'm gonna eat other animals.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 85
I had no clue vegans had levels.

But, technically....isn't *almost* everything capable of having a shadow?

I mean if the sun hits the corn stalks right, there's a shadow.

Or are we talking about a different type of shadow and I'm just clueless?
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 86
the only way to get me to be a vegetarian is if you put me in some Island.The reason is I can't kill another animal.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 87
Um, why can't we eat kangaroos? =|
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 88
Healer you are clueless and it makes you beautiful! :)

As far as I know there are no levels to being a vegan. There are different vegetarians though. The most common are the "sometimes vegetarians" who eat meat only on special occasions. (This would be me, I just bought meat to prepare at home for the first time in months, thank you Mr. Gobbles) A person who does not eat meat, fish, or seafood but still eats dairy and eggs is a lacto ovo vegetarian. Lacto refers to dairy and ovo refers to eggs. Then are also lacto vegetarians, and ovo vegetarians. A person who does not consume any animal products is a vegan. Some vegans also take there beliefs as far as to not wear animal products as well, this means no leather.

Some strange things that vegan and vegetarians don't consume; Ceaser salads, there are anchovies in the dressing, Chex Mix or anything else that contains worchstire sauce for it too lists anchovies as an ingredient, and Jello or marsh mellow products, these contain bone marrow.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 89
Marshmellows NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :(
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 90
How long is this thing going to go?
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