Past Life Memories??

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Re: Past Life Memories??
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 10
In my opinion dreams are dreams; beliefs are beliefs. Facts are proven by hard,concrete, evidence.
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Re: Past Life Memories??
Post # 11
Overall, I think we have dreams for a reason. Whether to address a situation we have not or cannot do consciously, or as a warning of future or "current" events. Also maybe past lives. I've always been a big science geek, so I know what science has proven but some things just have yet to be proven wrong. If Gaia feels it was a past life, it just may be for her. Everyone's mind is different. And yes i do believe some of us are able to see a past life --- sharing the same DNA, no. But a spiritual connection is possible. Hinduism and other religions believe in reincarnation, so who is to say it isnt true?
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Re: Past Life Memories??
By: / Novice
Post # 12

We know very, very little about the brain. Things we knew fifty years ago and considered as fact then, were disproved and replaced not even ten years later. As such, actual research into the physical, living brain as well as comprehensive psychology- are only recently achievable by machinery and method that yield data. Especially considering that seriously studying such things as dreams, was considered pointless and 'fluffy' not too long ago.

As far as memory goes, like White said, can be genetic. There are a series of experiments involving mice that used electric shocks (non-lethal of course) for a partition in a cage between food, eventually the first generation of mice, through trial, grew to 'fear' going near that partition and would access the food on a different part of the cage, that took far more effort to reach. This generation of mice were bred and the offspring immediately taken away from their parents. When the mice grew up they were put in the same caged set-up with the partition, this time it was un-electrocuted. The mice showed "fear" of this partition, would avoid it for the more difficult to access food and when put close to it, would flee. They did this with no exposure to the electrocuted version and could not have been 'taught' by their parents. The purpose of this experiment were to test if fear (and by extension other such things like habits) were genetic or behavioural.

What I am trying to get at is that science is not as concrete as we would like to believe, that hardcore facts now, are not as factual as they are circumstantial.

Also, that while it is entirely likely that these memories could be from past lives (we've never disproved it and our knowledge of dreams and memories is very minute), they could also be from our predecessors.

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Re: Past Life Memories??
Post # 13
I believe in past life memories. Dreams don't always have a connection to them, but the amount of connection they have probably varies with each person.
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Re: Past Life Memories??
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 14
Such an experiment with mice? Tell us your source for this information!. I have read that this particular experiment was discounted because the new mice could smell where the old mice had travelled. (Leeds University).
The generic memory theory is a good one because each generation has some of the DNA of previous generations. That could be deemed a past "memory"; what we refer to as instinct. In no way could it be a past "life".
In any case, my understanding is that the theory of a "past life" is spiritual. To do with a "soul".(Whatever that is!) Not an actual physical "life" as another Human!
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Re: Past Life Memories??
By: / Novice
Post # 15

Here is the original publication ( )
, and an article about it ( ). The mice were put in different cages with identical layout.

Could you provide a link to the Leeds University publication.

Why does a past life have to be spirtual? If you experience 'memories' in dreams, and dreams that have pasts, present, and future, is that not a memory of living? While their are laws for what is a living organisms (even this has exceptions such as viruses), 'living' as humans understand it is a concept we made up.

While a lot of people use "souls" as a way to explain this phenomenon, it's only a speculation.

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Re: Past Life Memories??
Post # 16
Facts are nothiing really , facts are disproven all the time, one day scientist says coffee bad for u, next days scientist says it good no one can make up there minds, there nothing physical about this world everything has energy and its not all the same, we keep evolving changing history
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Re: Past Life Memories??
Post # 17
I think it could be possible to see memories from a past life in our dreams. I myself have had many dreams that I could not explain. Just the other day I had a dream with a girl named Zoey. I felt a connection with her like she was my sister or cousin. The weird thing is, I dont have a sister and I dont have a cousin named Zoey.
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Re: Past Life Memories??
Post # 18
Hi, 1st and for most I would like to thank you for your opinion.
But I as have had this discussion with my companions. I see you are one who believes if you cannot see it, feel it, taste it and/or hear it, than it's not real.

So with that being said, my question is how can someone who sees things so scientifically be so blank to the unknown. Many centuries have past in front us with us in the unknown, and yet here we are learning new things everyday about life and the human body and brain. How can anything scientifically say they we could not remember a repressed memory that may or may not have been from a past life. Just because it's not materialistic, does not make it unreal, not there or unable to be. Science is only full of hypotheses, UNKNOWN guesses.And I know this has been the human spices debate for centuries.

There are many things in the world that cannot be explained why they happen or even why they are here. Just because we cannot have an explanation for them, does not make it unreal or something that we make up to put our minds to rest.

I mean come, there are virus in the air everyday that we cannot see, hear, taste or feel (till it has infected us). But they are there and they are real. So how can Science say that a soul or repressed memories can not exist. There is no proof that they don't, and yes there is no proof that they do.

So with that being said, my opinion is, I cannot agree with you on this.
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Re: Past Life Memories??
Post # 19
First of all science isn't just guesses, there are laws(meaning they have been proven to be true) such as Newton's three laws. Your dreams could be a fabrication of you imagination or whatever you want to call it. It could also be a genetic memory(not sure if that is how they work because i am not a scientist or very informed on the subject) and that is why you have the emotions with the dream or memory. Then again it could be a memory of a past life(which may or may not be real as there is no proof to prove or disprove it)and again that is why you have the emotions. Just my opinion on this subject so if I offended anyone with this post I am sorry.
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