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Re: Please share now...
Post # 95
Lol, heather, I'm not trying to pass judgement on you, or anyone else... I am just rather perturbed at the way people attack the ones on this site that try to help the most. please do understand I would be more than willing to help anyone, as long as their words and hearts are sincere when they ask for it. Now, please, let us be done with this dispute. Our time could be so much better invested than in a dispute among ourselves.

Blessed be,

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Re: Please share now...
Post # 96
Now that this issue is deaded how about we close this thread
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Re: Please share now...
Post # 97
I thank all for these kind words. I must say if you do have any objections towards me feel free to share.
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Re: Please share now...
Post # 98
yes.may we all closed this subject...
look apologies for Heather.
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Re: Please share now...
Post # 99
You may close the subject for yourself but still I am interested in what everyone has to say.
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Re: Please share now...
Post # 100
lol fine it will stay open. Anyone who wants to oppose Jayme or has somthin to say about her to it here
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Re: Please share now...
Post # 101
what the heck i`m doing?
sorry for that thingy jayme!
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Re: Please share now...
Post # 102
Why the apalogies Mef?
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Re: Please share now...
Post # 103
apologizing for it is your own thread.
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Re: Please share now...
Post # 104
I don't mind.
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