Hi everyone ^^

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Hi everyone ^^
Post # 1
Hi everyone I'm new here. My name is Nam.
I cannot use magic, but I want to be able to use magic to help people, and I also interest in the name of "Magic".
I believe that so I try my best!

I hope everyone's having a Great day! Nice to meet ya all ^^

PS.Sometimes I dream to some parts of my future,and sometimes I sense of some occurrence, but I'm not sure is it my talented?
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Re: Hi everyone ^^
Post # 2
Hi! I'm kinda new here too. All i know is that i can't do magic, i wanna do magic, and that i will be able to do magic with practice. I looked at this website on Halloween and thought of how awesome it would be to be witches.me and one of my friends have decided to take this step to become secret witches. and one little tip for you, DON'T DO BLACK MAGIC. it is dangerous and evil!! YAY FOR WHITE MAGIC!!!!!!
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Re: Hi everyone ^^
By: / Novice
Post # 3
All magick is useful and has it's place, newcomers. White and black start at the same place. Don't be so quick to judge and warn what you only have media-based knowledge of, friend, for not all walks are the same. Dangerous? Maybe. But necessary.
you don't have to follow black magick or it's paths, but if nothing else respect them. I will never join the military, but I am thankful for the people that do.
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Re: Hi everyone ^^
Post # 4
True magic is neither black or white, it is both because nature is both.
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Re: Hi everyone ^^
Post # 5
wow where did you learn that? if it was your grandma or something, i am so jealous because i wish one of my relatives was a witch. I am christian, not wiccan, by the way. btw, are you from the UK? I'm not.
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Re: Hi everyone ^^
Post # 6
wow cool do you have an accent or something? sorry, there i go again with stupid questions :) lol
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Re: Hi everyone ^^
Post # 7
me? No i dont think so... and yeah, i'm from the UK. :)
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Re: Hi everyone ^^
Post # 8
woah awesome!!! i am texan........ i don't have an accent either. is that like personal info or anything? saying i'm from texas?
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Re: Hi everyone ^^
Post # 9
dunno.. lol I think so.. never mind :P
Im not to sure tbh, yo can always delete your post if neccesary :)
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Re: Hi everyone ^^
By: / Novice
Post # 10
I'm a state away from you lilwitch. In oklahoma. I was also raised Christian ao I also don't have any family to look to.
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