the flu

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the flu
Post # 1
Eeeeek! I'm pretty sure I have the flu! Any body know a spell for getting rid of the flu?
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Re: the flu
Post # 2
Have a look in the spell section and see what there is for healing spells.

You should not do magick when you are sick as you cannot raise the power for it. Ask someone who is close to you to do a spell for you.

Hugs and hope you get better soon. I will light a healing candle for you now and send healing thoughts to you. Please also follow practical medical paths such as paracetamol, lemon drinks etc and take rest and sleep.

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Re: the flu
Post # 3
Sleep and following any orders given by a doctor are the best remedies.

Sleeping allows your body to do what it does best by fighting the virus, and in turn learning the characteristics of the illness so that it can fight it better next time.

Not only am I a part time law student, I'm a full time medical billing and coding student =)
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Re: the flu
Post # 4
yes do that... im not much help but both of my parent have a medical degree in something, not going into detail.
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Re: the flu
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
the flu sucks!! I'm so glad i have a healthy immune system to keep it at bay for now.
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