(not serious)help

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(not serious)help
Post # 1
ok umm I need someone to give me some advice about like, this is embarrasing lol, I need advice on a relationship that's not really a relationship. but i'd like advice from someone under 18 cuz teens and adults don't really think the same ( I could be dead wrong about that but that's my opinion)

p.s. sorry for bad spelling and punctuation
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Re: (not serious)help
Post # 2

We were teens once :/
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Re: (not serious)help
Post # 3
hahaha k fine anyway age watev lol
so do you wanna help or..?
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Re: (not serious)help
Post # 4
that's supposed to say any age lol btw I need some more freinds on myspace so if you wanna send me a freind request on there
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Re: (not serious)help
Post # 5
what is the problem?
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