No Subject

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No Subject
Post # 1
Hi. Would anyone want to join my coven of psionics? Its not on this site. It is on another website, I will give you the link on the bottom of this message. My coven will teach psionics and magick over a chatroom, and will be taught by me and other mentors. There will be other students learning with you too. We also have a class scheduale for all students that are either learning a specific type of psionic/maigick or learning all types of psionic/magick. We will have many things to teach and our mentors will be experienced in magick so that they can help you better. Right now I am the only teacher. But I am already teaching 2 students. We will have meetings once every week to disscus about the coven and the issues and etc.

Here is the link to the coven website:

Here is the application you have to p.m if you would like to be a mentor:

Magickal name:
Natrual Element:
Type of magick experienced in:
What type of magick you would like to teach:

*Please p.m me this information to be a teacher* My username on the website is *Admin*.

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Re: No Subject
Post # 2
Psionic is Kinesis
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