hey i need help

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hey i need help
Post # 1
it that i do not know to draw a lip can i just kiss the paper?
do i have to let the candle burn
do this spell work

Kissing Spell

Take a red color lipstick and draw a lip print on a piece of white paper , then take a red candle and burn the paper while chanting : kiss me when we meet , Kiss me (mention persons Full name ) Greet me with your lips , and say you missed me . But most of all kiss me . Dont forget to visualize the person you want to kiss you , and conjure love . this is a good spell it worked for me , I even tried it on a married guy to see if it would work well he stared at me the whole time I was by him and then when I walked away to go to my car he followed me , and grabbed me and kissed me . I asked him why he did that , and he said I really dont know I just had too . from this spell on I became interested in witchcraft :) (the power is REAL ...... ) if you believe ... any ?? this is an anonymous sender.
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Re: hey i need help
Post # 2
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Re: hey i need help
Post # 3
Im glad that you figure that out...
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Re: hey i need help
Post # 4
it that i do not know to draw a lip can i just kiss the paper?
do i have to let the candle burn
do this spell work
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Re: hey i need help
Post # 5
I have never tried this spell.

I would assume a lip print would be just as good, if not more personal...and I have no clue about the candle. Do it anyway in which you feel comfortable.

I think people haven't responded because they have never tried it to give you a decent opinion.
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Re: hey i need help
By: / Novice
Post # 6
I never tried it, and I don't wear lipstick, and I usually want to kiss random girls I see, as I'm single...no time for that.
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Re: hey i need help
Post # 7
You should try it. I think a nice pearl pink would look nice on you. Depending on teeth color of course.
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Re: hey i need help
Post # 8
you got this out of spellsandmagic.com didnt you yeah i saw the same and i think u can make a lip print
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