demonic symbol?

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demonic symbol?
Post # 1
i was drawing a pentagram (starwith circle around it) well i had like ten huge pics of them in my sc hool organizer and he sais its a demonic symbol, i do white magic and the pentagram is still used so whys it demonic ty
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Re: demonic symbol?
Post # 2
Your teacher is probably just as confused as most of america on magick. I don't know if you go to a public or parochial school but my parochial [CATHOLIC] school is totally against it if I drew one I would get expelled.
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Re: demonic symbol?
Post # 3
He's just probably a strong Christian. The pentagram isn't in the SLIGHTEST demonic! It's just percieved to be evil by some. Basically the penetagram was a symbol of the Celtic druids, and during the medieval times they demonized the pentagram as part of their pagan-framing operation just to keep down religious competition.
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Re: demonic symbol?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
This is a closed-minded perception. Most denominations of christianity teaches that if it isn't from God it's from the devil. And of course any practice contrary to their own is the wrong one. This type of teaching reaches out, stereotyping even simple toys like "the magic 8 ball" as being of the devil, and in turn being demonic. Reading your horroscope, according to southern baptists, is of the devil.
Now, in all seriousness, we know that it is a symbol that may be used to summon demons, but for that matter it's a symbol many may use in summoning any celestial beings. It is a symbol of protection, as well though, inverted is a symbol of Baphomet. Be not quick to base your own opinions on any meaning of it, regardless of what propagandized things you hear or read. Instead see how it may be used in any case, and be informed.
Let the closed-minded think what they will though. It adds to a mystique that drives them, without them evem realizing it.
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Re: demonic symbol?
Post # 5
lol,well thank you one and all but since sme people got confused,it wasnt the teacher that complainedit was a filipino mate of mine, but im wondering if he was warning me because i dont talk to hium that often, so could it be a warning from like some etity telling me to stop doing magic for a while? ty
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Re: demonic symbol?
Post # 6
If you want to stop practicing, that is your choice.

Just because someone says it's one thing, doesn't mean it is.

I have had many people who are complete strangers tell me, not ask me, tell me I am a devil worshiper because of my necklace. It doesn't make it true, nor does it make is some sort of divine sign.

It's simply people showing their ignorance on the subject.
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Re: demonic symbol?
Post # 7
I think the pentagram means the joint of four in one, and the circle aroung means all.
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