Magick and your Moon Sign

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Magick and your Moon Sign
Post # 1
After the Sun, the Moon has the most effect on a person. For those of us dealing with magick, the Moon itself has a huge impact on our workings as well as our lives.

The Moon effects our intuition, emotion, instinct and change. It shows us how we deal with everyday life and can give us incite into our magickal practices.

Where your moon is on your natal chart reveals or inhibitions from which we must work to be free. It powerfully affects our intuitive abilities, our physiological makeup and our approach to the world. And these effects in turn affect how we approach and practice our magick.

The chart below lists some basic characteristics associated with different Moon signs. Give some thought to what your Moon sign says about you. It may shed some light on your magickal workings and point you in a direction to make them stronger and more successful.

If you don’t know what your Moon sign is, I can run your chart, but I will need your birth date, birth time and birth place. You can also run your own chart online at (Bewitching Ways does not back their reports or have any association with Alabe. It is just a place to get a quick look at your chart.)

Moon in...

Effect on you


You are emotional and your instinct is to react quickly and sometimes thoughtlessly, especially when the magick you are working is something you feel very passionate about. As a result you can sometimes go over the top with your magick. You don’t need to throw all you have at a simple spell. Don’t waste your energy. One thing to be aware of is that your quick actions may cause you to be a little accident prone resulting in mistakes in your magickal workings.


Your moon makes your conservative and conventional. You are determined yet stubborn. On one hand, you are patient and dependable with your workings; but on the other hand, you can be lazy and unwilling to change. If a spell isn’t working the way you want it to, try a new spell or change an element.


You tend to deal with everything at once instead of focusing on issues one at a time. When you are working magick, instead of trying to do a major working in one shot, try to break it down into easier-to-manage steps, each focusing on a specific aspect of the issue. You look at your magick workings in an analytical, rational way. Don’t be afraid to get emotional; that will give you more power.


You are a natural at magick because your sign is ruled by the Moon. You have a strong sense of your emotions and you can trust them. But on the other hand, you can become overemotional. Never work magick when you are overly emotional. You also might tend to worry about your magickal workings. You need to relax and let it go; the universe will take over once your spell is cast. Stop second-guessing yourself and your abilities.


You have positive energy and enthusiasm that works well for magick. But you also have a need to be in control, but you are also insecure. You have to learn to give yourself and your magick over to the powers of the universe and trust in them to do what is right with your magick. Also, you need to be sure pay attention to the directions when working magick.


You are great a paying attention to detail, which pays of in your magickal working. You always have a Plan B. You are great at reacting quickly and can work magick on a spot. Unfortunately, you have a tendency to worry and lack self-confidence. You can get nervous and resolve dissolves. You need to believe in yourself and your magick for it to work.


Overall, Libras can move effortlessly between the realms. You have the disposition to go to extremes in life and in your magick. Make sure you don’t over do a spell or send out some negative energy that might come back to bite you on the rear. You can also be indecisive, which can make you take too long to act.


You work magick well and have the ability to cut through the surface of a problem. You are all about your powerful emotions. Just be careful not to work magick when your negative emotions are flowing. Also be careful that you don’t get carried away with your emotions and build too much energy when doing your spells.


You are optimistic and enthusiasm, which is great for magickal workings. You are quick to find solutions to your problems, but be careful not to overlook or ignore small details in the process. And you also expect results immediately. You need to be patient when it comes to magick. Also don’t get hung up on the hows and whys and just have faith that it will work.


You tend to be cool headed and think things through. Be careful not to become too analytical. Also you want to be very independent, but sometimes you might need help. Don’t be afraid to go the deities, ancestors and spirits as well as fellow witches when the need arises.


If your moon is in Aquarius, you already have strong psychic abilities. But you can sometimes be stubborn and impersonal. You need to think how your magick will affect others; look at the big picture. You need to be a little more giving and don’t be afraid to let your emotions show through because they are the power behind your magick.


You tend to react intensely emotionally first. Be very aware of this when you might be tempted to work negative magick. Don’t let your emotions rule you. You don’t have a lot of self-confidence, which can result in self-sabotage. You tend to just give up when it doesn’t work. You need to preserver and try to come after the problem from a different path if it didn’t work the first time.


Read what your Moon sign says about you. How do you think that relates to the way you practice magick? Do you see any truth to it? If so, now that you are aware of it, what might you do to help make your magick stronger?
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