Hello All

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Hello All
Post # 1
My name is Tara, and I hve only begun to scrtch the surface if the magickal world. Any guidance would be well appreciated, as well as new friends:) I love art, nature , writing,etc etc etc lol! Feel free to contact me for most any reason lol
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Re: Hello All
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Welcome, Tara. If you have questions, deliver them appropriately, and they will be addressed appropriately. Common sense is appreciated though, so try and use it ;)
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Re: Hello All
Post # 3
Merry Meet Tara and welcome. Wise advice by Perdurabo who is very wise and knowledgable. We are all here to help each other along whichever paths we choose. We all try to be tolerant of each other and even if we don't agree with someones path that is ok just accept it as threir way and not yours.

Please ask if you have any questions even silly ones may not be that silly to us - if they are we will tell you :)

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Re: Hello All
Post # 4
Many thanks to you both for you advice! I am a great believer in common sense. Though I am new to the practise of magick, I have read several books from many different pagan paths, starting with the history of earth based religions. Now I need to focus on my own path. I will ask when I am in need, that is a very important thing to do!
Thanks again
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Re: Hello All
Post # 5
You are correct Tara and very wise. We look forward to you being part of this site and sharing your skills - reading books and gathering information is so important BEFORE you do anything or make major decisions. Many people forget this part and want to jump straight in.


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Re: Hello All
Post # 6
Welcome! I wish you to have a happy learning expierience here on Spells of Magic! Do not be afraid to PM someone for help, if you need any. Also, some good start off spells are weather, protection, luck, and meditation. If you want to learn about Druidry, I can teach you.

Good luck, and Blessed be!
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