New here

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New here
Post # 1
Hey, how's it going? I go by ShinyRust, though you can call me Dave if you want. There's not really anything special about me. I'm just a mediocre artist at best. I honestly don't really know what I'm doing here. I mean I have no real experience whatsoever and I don't even know if I should believe any of this, you know? It's just. . .I don't even know how to explain it. . .it's like I at least have to see, or something. But yeah, I just thought I should tell y'all that you might see me around.
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Re: New here
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Welcome ShinyRust. I hope you find what you seek, and that "seeing" becomes easy. If you have questions someone's usualy around. If you don't get a rapid response, be a little patient. We do get busy and tired. ;)
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Re: New here
Post # 3
Sure thing, thanks
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Re: New here
Post # 4
welcome and all best,if you need help Im here...
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Re: New here
Post # 5
Merry Meet Dave and welcome.

We are all seekers, some of us find where we are going and others continue to search. You can ask any questions and take a look at all the posts in the site, maybe something will jump out at you and resonate with what you are seeking.


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Re: New here
Post # 6
Welcome! When I fist joined I was lost, and not sure what to believe anymore. I found the reason to believe inside of me... after several tries. Do not hesitate to ask any question(s) you have about this site, spells, etc.

Good luck, and Blessed be!
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Re: New here
Post # 7
That is a wonderful thing RainStar: -

"I found the reason to believe inside of me"

How true, we all have the power to do wonderful spells etc as the power is there but we need to find it in our selves.

Big Hug
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