hi im totally new help

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hi im totally new help
Post # 1
how do i make a book of shodowws and my own spells ,how do i choose a name witch name someone plz help me x
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Re: hi im totally new help
Post # 2
Merry Meet.
Your Book Of Shadows or BOS is a very personal thing and any way you want to make or do it is the right way.
I have quite a few, one main one with all my spells etc in, one for rituals and one on my computer for everything I download

Here is a good website that will help you or google it and find one for yourself.
The main things to put in it are:
Laws and traditions
Gods and Goddesses
Sabbat rituals
Any rituals you do - keep a record.

Magickal name: here is a good site to read.

I chose mine - Rowan Adar - by looking at all the magical sites I could and seeing what names jumped out at me. I had a list then a short list then I sat on the short list for a year till one day I woke up and I just knew that the Goddess wanted me to have this name. I researched the meaning of it too and that for me was important.

Some people do numerology on a name to see which is the more powerful.

Hope this helps, any more questions just ask as someone will always help you.
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