Forums ► Comments ► Site Needs MAKEOVER

Post # 1
I mean really. I just keep seeing yellow and shades of brown and plain black all day! IT'S BORING.

The backrgoudn is wood... it could at least be COLORED wood.

The scroll (the site's references and items and such) is just plan... yellow... ish. It's boring. @_@

The covens on the side are just like there... with nothing. It's like, what, 10x10 pixels?

And the spells are just a bunch of words. I'd at least like a box around it, better than nothing!

The site needs a true makeover. >_> It's all boring shades of stuff. Sorry Pet, but even though I'm sure people will say, "This site is just for spells nothing more, why does it need a good look?" I answer that with saying, "Well just looking at a spell with a bright background blinding you with no decor whatsoever isn't a very fun thing to do."

Plus, our site bar (the thing that says "Welcome Back (username)" and "Member's Menu:") doesn't use any symbols or virtually made avatars representing the links.

Again, sorry Pet, but even though many will agree and many will disagree... it's true. I need to look away from the screen every once in while so my eyes don't hurt, and plus I get drowsy looking at the 5 colors on every page. @_@
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Re: Site Needs MAKEOVER
Post # 2
I like the colors lol.
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Re: Site Needs MAKEOVER
Post # 3
You like a bunch of shades of yellow and brown? ... ... And plain black?
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Re: Site Needs MAKEOVER
Post # 4
Here's how I think it should look:
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Re: Site Needs MAKEOVER
Post # 5
Blue and white???
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Re: Site Needs MAKEOVER
Post # 6
i would rahter have this one, then that one
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Re: Site Needs MAKEOVER
Post # 7
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Re: Site Needs MAKEOVER
Post # 8
that one hurts my eyes even more then this one
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Re: Site Needs MAKEOVER
Post # 9
Lol did you just make the pic negative tails?
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Re: Site Needs MAKEOVER
Post # 10
I agree that the site needs a make over because its been this way for how long. Some darker colors would be nice just because they are a little more relaxing than this brownish-yellow stuff. I'm not too crazy ambout the negative image that you posted Tails.
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