What do you think?

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What do you think?
Post # 1
A couple days ago, i was trying really really hard to meditate. i hurt my head because i tried so hard. i felt something weird around me. the next day at school i kept feeling something incredibly overwhelming near me and it kept making me cry. this lasted two days. what was it?
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Re: What do you think?
Post # 2
If your head was hurting you could have been being drained of your energy. Sort of like milking a cow only less work. I have heard it refered as the basis for the term vampire and vampire legend. (I hope not to offend anyone in my references of vampires) An entity that drains energy, which would be the basis of your life force if enough energy is drained. Besides meditating, if you can't reach a meditative state, you should crose your legs, at your ankles and your arms at your wrists. It signify's the denial of your energy to flow anywhere. It stays with you. Your energy within you is a constant moving circle. Closing off the motion of your energy, while it doesn't hurt you, protects others from stealing it from you, which has physical effects on the human body. If you don't think a person of majik is attacking you in this manner, it could be unconciously done. Persons that are especially mean take energy from you. it is a form of overpowering you even just by standing near you and making you afraid or uneasy. This takes energy from you without realizing. You should look for either protective herbs to place in your purse/pocket as you go places or find/make an amulet of protection. that is my take. If nothing else, it could be stress or a medical reason. If you have migrains/head injuries it could very well affect your concentration. I hopet his helped. good luck.
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Re: What do you think?
Post # 3
thank you
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