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Post # 1
I am new, not only to this site but to spell casting in general.
I have just tried my first spell to overturn a jinx/bad luck.
I feel I have suffered for a few years but feel that it is now affecting other family members.
This I have difficulty with. They should not suffer because of me, so have decided to do something about it and so here I am.
I hope others of you may be able to help me further. I do this, not for myself, but for other members of the family, most especially my 17 yr old son.
Thank you for reading this and thank you, in advance, for any thoughts and wishes in this area.
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Re: Hello
Post # 2
Your heart is in a good place. Thinking of those you love before your own needs. If you need any help or have any questions I will do my very best to aid you in anyway I can.

~ Life ~
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Re: Hello
Post # 3
Merry Meet JP and welcome. Like Life I agree that it is a very kind and noble thing to think of others first.

I hope we can be of help to you.


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Re: Hello
Post # 4
You are one of the few true kind people of this world. Thank you for thinking of others before yourself.
Welcome to the world of Wicca! Do not be discouraged if your spells don't work the first time, it will take practice. Try weather spells, protection spells, luck spells, meditation, etc. It differs from person to person on what the best start up spell is. Try your hardest!

Blessed be!
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Re: Hello
Post # 5
Thank you all

Do you think I should try a protection or warding spell for my family members? If so could you please advise one.

Also can I use a spell for my own situation? I wasn't too sure if I could do that and that they would work.

Once again, Thank You
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