Psychic Vampires..

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Psychic Vampires..
Post # 1
Every one has the potential to be a Vampire ur mom ur best frinds ur teacher ect.

but i want to learn how to control it all so if theres a point everyone needs to calm down i can do that for them or even just make sure i dont hurt anyone with my negative energy

can anyone help me out?
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Re: Psychic Vampires..
Post # 2
My negative energy never affected the people that I love since I used to focus it on sb that annoyed me. Put I used a trick to avoid others stealing my energy... I used to imagine a golden aura all around me I used to imagine breathing that golden aura and filling me in when I was breathing out this golden aura was becoming larger and larger. When I wanted to protect other people I used to imagine sending them this golden aura from my third eye to the back or their head. Trust me it does help. I've been practicing magic since I was 16 and this is a great protection shield that helped me a lot.
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Re: Psychic Vampires..
Post # 3
Thank you
is there anything else anyone can tell me?
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