Voices [Plz Read]

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Voices [Plz Read]
Post # 1
Okay, so this has been going on for a while now, I'd say a couple years. I hear people talking, and sometimes calling to me when I am completely alone or in a silent place. It always sounds as if the voice is a whisper, but I'm not sure if its because I'm going crazy or if I truly hear spirits or something. How would I be able to tell? and if possible to tell me, How would I make the voices seem clearer?
Thank You for your help.
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Re: Voices [Plz Read]
Post # 2
This thing is called Channeling, if you look in special book stores you may find some helpful books. It usually happens when you have cleared you mind completely from any inner thoughts, then if you have high vibrations several spirits can reach out to you, if you cant listen to them properly stop trying relax avoid any thoughts or inner talk. Try that as often as you can and you'll be able to listen to these voices soon enough. A book that I can suggest is Channeling by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer. Good luck!
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Re: Voices [Plz Read]
Post # 3
they need your help just belive dont be scared just say if they call agin i will help but tell me whats wrong its hard to hear but tell them to calm down.
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Re: Voices [Plz Read]
Post # 4
Channeling, picking up the voices.
Having the ability can sometimes scare you if your alone. But don't fear these spirits, the are calling you for a reason. If you sit and listen, you may find there reason for them calling you. Maybe they are whispering at the moment and over time when you accept it all, they do get louder. Then it all begins to make sense.
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Re: Voices [Plz Read]
Post # 5
I have this same thing happen to me. And the whisper seems loud if it makes sense. I've also seen/conversed with spirits since before I knew what they were. I used to call them imaginary friends. My best advice would be to keep yourself calm and to learn how to make a good shield so that you can filter out what you don't want to hear and to learn to switch it on and off
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