A new magick site?

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A new magick site?
Post # 1
This site is becoming very crowded with frauds. I guess it is inevitable. This sometimes makes it hard to find genuine knowledge. I feel bad for the newbies who might be serious about learning but some fake tries to "teach" them.
I was wondering if anyone wanted to start a proboards magick site with me. We would definately need a few other people because I am in no way qualified to teach magick. Pet is busy a lot and we appriciate what he does(Thanks Pet). However if we had a proboards site it would be easy for us to spot fakes, give them warnings, and if the warnings continue ban. We would also be able to delete the junk that fakes post(not that the mods here don't do a decent job).
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Re: A new magick site?
Post # 2
I'd like to help :)
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