Newie - Love spell

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Newie - Love spell
Post # 1
Hello, i'm pretty new to this. I tired this spell last night for the first time, and it goes like this.


one red candle and two pins ( i used needles, cos i didnt have any pins) you place the pins in the middle of the candle at midnight ( which i did) concentraate on your lover and repeat their name several times. It states that when the candle burns down to the pin that your lover will return.

Well nothing has happened? Can any one help me please.
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Re: Newie - Love spell
Post # 2
Not every spell you do will have results within seconds. Nor will every spell you do work unless you understand how to use your energy and the energy around you to achieve your goals.

There's more to spell casting than lighting a candle and saying a few words.
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Re: Newie - Love spell
Post # 3
healer what is more
what must we do befour we can cast spells
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Re: Newie - Love spell
Post # 4
Read and practice.

Rome wasn't built over night.

What you put into a spell is what you get out of it.
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Re: Newie - Love spell
Post # 5
TRust me as healer says,lol
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Re: Newie - Love spell
Post # 6
Also, not all spells are meant to be.. ^_^ plus some spells tend to manifest themselves in varies form.. O_O so, do not be surprised if a year from now, you meet some one with the same name.. -_- Yeah..Magick works in mysterious ways.. haha
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Re: Newie - Love spell
Post # 7
Very true Vari.

Magick works in a special way. Say, for example, you want your true love to come to you. What you think is your true love, and what is....could be very different.

There are lessons in life we need to and heartache is one of them.
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Re: Newie - Love spell
Post # 8
she is right.

what you did for the small was the least important part.

the most important part is putting your energy towards the goal.

look up grounding, charging, psi ball, and cone of power.

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