Help with decoding a dre-

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Help with decoding a dre-
Post # 1
Help with decoding a dream.

Hey guys I had a recent dream which invovled someone pretty important to me. I havn't talked to him or anything for ever so I decided to try testing my psychic abilities through dreaming and astro travling. Of crouse, havn't been succeding with the astro travling.

The dream just starts like a usual school day. Then I get out early and just lounging around at home. My rents call me to the phone, I yell back at them to bring it to me. My dad gives it to me muttering, "Who's that boy?" I roll my eyes and answer the phone. I have yet to hear his voice since he is a friend who I met online. Yet still, he is my friend. I never gave him my number, back to the dream. When he replies I know who he is, I ask him how he got my number, he tells me "I'll tell you later." I keep asking, he was about to give up and tell me... Til... POOF. My mom woke me up. I beleive he was anxiouse and kinda urgent in my dream.

Can anyone please help me decode as the dream chart did not seem to help me too well...
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