anyone familiar with this

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anyone familiar with this
Post # 1
I have been actively studying magic and Wicca for about a month. I have never done a spell yet, but I have been more aware of myself. My whole life I get a burning feeling inside me and something will whisper to my heart. Various things who will win a football game, checker moves someone is going to make, who is calling me on the phone before they call. I have even had names come to me of people who are going to die soon. I am usually right in an argument with my husband because I can feel if I am right or not and I don't argue a point unless I know I am right. That drives him crazy. I read about the practicing with a partner focusing on colors etc. Does any one know exactly what this is called? or how to progress and grow it. I would like to be able to control it more and not just have things come at random.
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Re: anyone familiar with this
Post # 2
Merry Meet rosezz.

Wow that is great, you are becoming more aware of yourself and your power. Use it wisely.

You are probably very psychic and this is developing along with your craft.


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Re: anyone familiar with this
Post # 3
Intuition is wonderful, and I would urge you to work on making it a stronger sense for yourself. :)

If you are interested in Wicca, I suggest you check out books by Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente, and Janet and Stewart Farrar. :)
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Re: anyone familiar with this
Post # 4
sometimes the answers arent in books, sometimes there arent even spells or directions to follow within religion... have you considered spiritual growth, this would allow you to control any and all powers dormant within. spiritual growth can not even be taught in books. but my suggestion is to go into more than wicca, look into shamanism, buddhism, taoism, Chaos, tantra, and a few hours picking someones mind who has accomplished their own journey of spiritual growth and enlightenment.
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Re: anyone familiar with this
Post # 5
I agree, Balance. I think people new to Witchcraft and Paganism should spread beyond Wicca. There are SO MANY paths out there, Wicca is only one of them. Asatru, Heathenry, Reconstructive paths, Shakti Paganism, Buddhism, Chaote, etc etc etc are all as valid as Wicca, but people seem fixated on studying Wicca (which, in all honesty, can only be truly studied in a lineaged coven).
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