i am hurt and offended

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i am hurt and offended
Post # 1
Why is it that people are constantly abusing the christian wiccans, and the curius christians? I am personaly a christian that has found ways to practice magick without it contredicting my beleifs like astral projection, meditaion, and psi. I see christians all the time come to this site and are emidiately pushed away because they are christians. I have made many freinds here and i dont judge anyone without first getting to know them and half the time i dont even judge at all. I have read forums where wiccans ask questions about christianity and others reply to these forums by saying and i quote "its just a fairy tale" or "I beleive the bible belongs in the fantasy section of the library" Yet ironicaly it is the books on Demons, Vampires, Fairys, Lepracauns, Dragons to name a few that are in the fantasy section and I know as well as everyone here that these things are real. Christians dont come here saying that "it is all fake and you all belong in a mental home". No, they come hear with open hearts and ears eager to learn or at least make a few freinds. Because i am a christian i have made enemys here because people simply dont like the fact that i am a christian.
People still hold grudges about the witch trials and the inquisition.THAT WAS A COUPLE HUNDRED YEARS AGO! I understand that many a fine witch and wizard/ warlock died but that was the catholics. the only reason they even put "kill the witch" in the bible was because they blamed witches for droughts and famines that were plagueing the land at the time. In truth that goes against everyting that christianity stands for. Jesus ate dinner with the outcasts, he diddnt burn them at the stake. i dont think it is fair that we are persicuted for something our ancestors did. We dont do that and i personaly want to roundhouse kick every single one of those clergy in the mouth that ever burned a witch .because you people are my freinds not my enimies.
I better get some damn good replies to this posting because it was a lot ofwork to write this kikass speach. so W/B
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 2
im new, so i havent seen much of what you talk about...i agree tho, it seems like ppl should look at their own beliefs before they tell someone elses that theirs is dumb.
i dont mind u or anyone else being christian honestly ^^
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 3
thanks i have seen this happen to a lot of people and i felt like i needed to say something
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 4
I agree with u. and it is wrong that people are like towards other. It makes u want to reread somethings that we dont judge others.
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Re: i am hurt and offende
Post # 5

I will be completely honest when I say I do not comprehend how one can be a christian and a wiccan. Those are 2 very different views on a higher power. But, that's just me. Call yourself what you will, I couldn't care less.

As far as the rest of it, I don't know what christians have been driven away here. I haven't seen it.

There are many people here by many different walks of life. Christian views are not the only ones to be "attacked". If you post a thread on ANY subject, you will have people who agree with you and speak their mind, and those who disagree and will speak their mind. That's just how it goes.

You would never learn a thing if everyone agreed with you all the time.

Keep in mind ( though not an excuse ) a lot of the people here are very young and come here to escape being made fun of or ridiculed by christians or atheists or any other faith for that matter in their community. Some cannot seperate that not EVERYONE of those faiths will be like that. Just like you shouldn't assume this site if filled with people who want Christians out.

Generalizations stink, by the way.
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 6
I completely agree with you Healer. I am not a christian wiccan. im not even a wiccan. im more along the lines of a christian with magickal benifits lol. you are correct. i qouted some that i personaly have read because it doesnt happen as often as i made it sound but it does happen. the reason i used christian instead of hindu or daoism is because i am a christian so i can relate more to that.if im gonna post something i want to at least halfway know what im talking about and by the way there is an actual coven here called christian wiccans. im not exactly sure what its all about but mabe u should read up on it.
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 7
PrinceZuko.I admire your courage for speakingout like this knowing the abuse you are probably going to get on this thread.I too am a Christian that has Chosen to pRactice Magick ,I dont feel the need to justify that to anyone.The decisions Ive made and the reasons for them are between me and My God.Having said that ,for many generations there was no middle ground,If you didnt follow a certain doctrine as outlined By what ever the Dominant Christian Force at the time happened to be ,you were deemed an outcast,shuned and condemed to Hell.For many generations those that practiced anything considered occult,were out cast,browbeaten ,and blasted from every side of Religeon Controlled Countries.The odd thing is,and this is just my experience,That those that were so misunderstood,now in many cases refuse to see that a new time has arrived ,and there is A New Breed of Christian(for lack of a better term)People that dont automatically judge and convict people only on what Religeon they choose to practice.Or in some cases have no religeon at all. In the world are many Christians that have chosen to practice magick,and all to often we are now met with the same wrong judgemental attitude that we dealt out for so many years.Its odd that those that Know best what it is like to be judged,wrongly accused and beat down by the Church,now find it so easy to do the same thing to the Christians That choose to practice Magick.I guess some people will never get over it,but for me at least they have been VERY VERY few.The vast majority of people that I have met are very supportive,friendly and dont care at all about my religeon.So I have just come to accept that there are going to be rare cases where I am just going to have to bear ,the insults,anger ,and judging,just as so many of them did for so many years...I know there will be many different opinions,and this is just mine...peace
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 8
HA i caoutthis one right here when i was reading a forum
"You've been to Hell? Let me guess... You're a Christian?
So what's Hell like? "
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 9
ok i will get into this intersesting convorsation, and i will tell you something that has helped me alot with magic.
parts of the bible are fake. a while ago, when the church found the bible, they changed things init like the gay tihng, the magic hting, they changed the bible so they would have a moire organized and better beifif so they thought. the reason the bible woiuld let you do maguic is, you are not asking powers from demons you are (in the christgan beilif) getting it from angels and the lord himself, you basicly use your soul given to you form the lord, and you use it to do magic, now this is only one thing i ave read if you want to learn morw just ask. anohter tihng if ytou do start to do to many negative things you begin to pull the more negatoive being aka saten. thins is just one thing i have read dont start talking about that this is wrong because this my be but this is wat i read and i htink its a good story
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 10
crazy guy said what?......sorry couldnt read that. slowdown and type a little slower cuz i couldnt exactly tell what you were talking about. please restate that last part.
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